[Twisted-Python] Twisted 0.12.2

Chris Armstrong carmstro at twistedmatrix.com
Thu Nov 29 20:46:27 EST 2001

Hey all. I released Twisted 0.12.2 today, it was mainly a bunch of bug
fixes with a few features. Here's the changes:

What's new in 0.12.2?

  Removed some broken and/or experimental code.
  Added poll() based event loop implementation.

  New minimal documentation for WebWidgets and Manhole in the doc/
  Made some changes to the listen API -- changed from listenOn to
  listenTCP, listenUDP, and listenSSL.

  Some UI changes for InstanceMessenger.

  Some caching support for static files in twisted.web.
  Tons of fixed bugs.

Go grab it at http://twistedmatrix.com/downloads/. Have fun.

<Yosomono> rasterman is the millionth monkey
                              Chris Armstrong
                      <<< radix at twistedmatrix.com >>>

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