[Twisted-Python] after being royalty in spain

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph at twistedmatrix.com
Wed Jul 4 17:24:23 MDT 2001

TDFL pronouncement: we're going with "Twisted" as the name.

I'm renaming and restructuring the CVS repository right now.  Most
everything is moving into packages within twisted.  The new directory
structure is attached.  I'll be importing a "Twisted" CVS module some time

                      ______      __   __  _____  _     _
                     |  ____ |      \_/   |_____] |_____|
                     |_____| |_____  |    |       |     |
                     @ t w i s t e d m a t r i x  . c o m
-------------- next part --------------
|-- bin
|   |-- efaucet
|   |-- gnusto
|   |-- gtkfaucet
|   |-- jfaucet
|   |-- malyon
|   |-- mapeditor
|   |-- mkftpserver
|   |-- mkmailserver
|   |-- mkrealityserver
|   |-- mktelnetserver
|   |-- mkwebserver
|   |-- runtests
|   |-- twistd
|   |-- twistd-debug
|   `-- vacuum
|-- credits.py
|-- doc
|   |-- API-CHANGES-0.8.10
|   |-- CodingStandard.html
|-- license.py
|-- pyunit
|   |-- PyUnit.html
|   |-- __init__.py
|   |-- unittest.py
|   `-- unittestgui.py
|-- readme.py
|-- static
|   |-- five.cgi
|   |-- index.html
|   |-- test.cgi
|   `-- test.epy
|-- twisted
|   |-- __init__.py
|   |-- authenticator.py
|   |-- copyright.py
|   |-- disted
|   |   |-- __init__.py
|   |   |-- banana.py
|   |   |-- jelly.py
|   |   `-- pb.py
|   |-- internet
|   |   |-- __init__.py
|   |   |-- abstract.py
|   |   |-- gtknet.py
|   |   |-- main.py
|   |   |-- process.py
|   |   |-- ssl.py
|   |   |-- stdio.py
|   |   |-- task.py
|   |   `-- tcp.py
|   |-- persisted
|   |   |-- __init__.py
|   |   |-- dirdbm.py
|   |   `-- styles.py
|   |-- pim
|   |   |-- __init__.py
|   |   `-- todo.py
|   |-- protocols
|   |   |-- __init__.py
|   |   |-- basic.py
|   |   |-- ftp.py
|   |   |-- http.py
|   |   |-- irc.py
|   |   |-- pop3.py
|   |   |-- protocol.py
|   |   |-- smtp.py
|   |   `-- telnet.py
|   |-- python
|   |   |-- __init__.py
|   |   |-- delay.py
|   |   |-- explorer.py
|   |   |-- hook.py
|   |   |-- log.py
|   |   |-- observable.py
|   |   |-- ouroboros.py
|   |   |-- reference.py
|   |   |-- reflect.py
|   |   |-- threadable.py
|   |   |-- threadpool.py
|   |   |-- usage.py
|   |   `-- worker.py
|   |-- reality
|   |   |-- __init__.py
|   |   |-- clothing.py
|   |   |-- container.py
|   |   |-- door.py
|   |   |-- error.py
|   |   |-- furniture.py
|   |   |-- geometry.py
|   |   |-- lock.py
|   |   |-- player.py
|   |   |-- plumbing.py
|   |   |-- reality.py
|   |   |-- room.py
|   |   |-- sentence.py
|   |   |-- source.py
|   |   `-- thing.py
|   |-- telnet.py
|   |-- test
|   |   |-- __init__.py
|   |   |-- test_all.py
|   |   |-- test_banana.py
|   |   |-- test_delay.py
|   |   |-- test_dirdbm.py
|   |   |-- test_explorer.py
|   |   |-- test_glen.pyc
|   |   |-- test_hook.py
|   |   |-- test_import.py
|   |   |-- test_jelly.py
|   |   |-- test_observable.py
|   |   |-- test_pb.py
|   |   |-- test_pop3.py
|   |   |-- test_protocols.py
|   |   |-- test_reality.py
|   |   |-- test_reflect.py
|   |   |-- test_sexpy.py
|   |   |-- test_smtp.py
|   |   `-- test_todo.py
|   |-- ui
|   |   |-- ImageServer.py
|   |   |-- __init__.py
|   |   |-- gtkfaucet.py
|   |   |-- jfaucet.py
|   |   |-- text.py
|   |   `-- tkfaucet.py
|   `-- web
|       |-- __init__.py
|       |-- calendar.py
|       |-- distributed.py
|       |-- error.py
|       |-- html.py
|       |-- resource.py
|       |-- script.py
|       |-- server.py
|       |-- static.py
|       |-- test.py
|       |-- todo.py
|       |-- twcgi.py
|       |-- utils.py
|       |-- vhost.py
|       `-- weblog.py
`-- win
    |-- MakeWebServer.pyw
    |-- RunServer.py
    `-- TKFaucet.pyw

16 directories, 131 files

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