[Twisted-Python] 0.12.3 is out

Chris Armstrong carmstro at twistedmatrix.com
Wed Dec 5 04:23:44 MST 2001

You heard it here first, folks. Grab Twisted 0.12.3 at
http://twistedmatrix.com/downloads/ - here are the changes:

  This is mainly a maintenance release; there are a bunch of bugfixes,
  but some really cool new things.

  A Configuration System. This is going to be the Next Big Thing in
  Twisted - right now, it's not used anywhere visibly, but the idea is a
  unified interface for Twisted that will replace things like 'mktap'.
  We have a basic dependancy system down, and a simple Web UI.

  A few bugfixes for TK InstanceMessenger.

  Docs for Delayeds: Itamar wrote up a small HTML document on how to use
  Delayeds. Look in the 'doc/' subdirectory.

  Other general bugfixes.

<Intention> Twisted did raise me from the dead after two weeks. It is a 
miracle of software engineering.
                              Chris Armstrong
                      <<< radix at twistedmatrix.com >>>

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