[Inheritance] Of an thorn

Mabel Mccollum vsentiment at adelphia.net
Sat Nov 25 09:16:38 CST 2006

Same shit, different day abbreviated SSDD The early bird gets the worm Good men are scarce The squeaky wheel gets the grease Handsome is as handsome does
Kill not the goose that laid the golden egg Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer Trouble shared is trouble halved
The beauty of things lies in the mind that contemplates it Too many cooks spoil the broth Butter is gold in the morning, silver at noon, lead at night All things come to he who waits
Followup: And we all know what May flowers bringPilgrims A creaking door hangs longest and A creaking gate hangs long Two wrongs don't make a right The early bird may catch the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese Steven Wright Not worth ! you wont get Make yourself worthy (Manu MR) Possible Interpretation: Never give up
Pen is mightier than sword Reference to baseball and its anatomical incorrectness Stolen fruit is sweet From the Robert Frost poem 'Mending Wall'
Scratch my back and I will scratch yours Meaning: It's up to you to decide Trouble shared is trouble halved An Englishman's home is his castle It's a long lane that has no turning
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