class documentation

class twisted.trial.unittest.TestDecorator(components.proxyForInterface(itrial.ITestCase, '_originalTest')): (source)

Known subclasses: twisted.trial._asyncrunner._ForceGarbageCollectionDecorator, twisted.trial._asyncrunner._PyUnitTestCaseAdapter

Implements interfaces: twisted.trial.itrial.ITestCase

View In Hierarchy

Decorator for test cases.

Parameters_originalTestThe wrapped instance of test.
Method __call__ Run the unit test.
Method run Run the unit test.
def __call__(self, result): (source)

Run the unit test.

ParametersresultA TestResult object.
def run(self, result): (source)

Run the unit test.

ParametersresultA TestResult object.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor 20.12.1 at 2021-02-28 19:53:36.