class documentation

class twisted.conch.insults.window.Packer(ContainerWidget): (source)

View In Hierarchy


Method render Undocumented

Inherited from ContainerWidget:

Instance Variable focusedChild The contained widget which currently has focus, or None.
Instance Variable focused Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Instance Variable children Undocumented
Method addChild Undocumented
Method remChild Undocumented
Method filthy Undocumented
Method changeFocus Undocumented
Method focusReceived Called when focus is being given to this widget.
Method keystrokeReceived Undocumented

Inherited from Widget (via ContainerWidget):

Class Variable parent Undocumented
Instance Variable dirty Undocumented
Instance Variable width Undocumented
Instance Variable height Undocumented
Method repaint Undocumented
Method redraw Undocumented
Method draw Undocumented
Method sizeHint Undocumented
Method tabReceived Undocumented
Method focusLost Undocumented
Method backspaceReceived Undocumented
Method functionKeyReceived Undocumented
Method characterReceived Undocumented
def render(self, width, height, terminal): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor 20.12.1 at 2021-02-28 19:53:36.