:LastChangedDate: $LastChangedDate$ :LastChangedRevision: $LastChangedRevision$ :LastChangedBy: $LastChangedBy$ Examples ======== SMTP servers ------------ - :download:`emailserver.tac` - a toy email server. SMTP clients ------------ - :download:`sendmail_smtp.py` - sending email over plain SMTP with the high-level :py:func:`sendmail ` client. - :download:`sendmail_gmail.py` - sending email encrypted ESMTP to GMail with the high-level :py:func:`sendmail ` client. - :download:`sendmail_message.py` - sending a complex message with the high-level :py:func:`sendmail ` client. - :download:`smtpclient_simple.py` - sending email using SMTP. - :download:`smtpclient_tls.py` - send email using authentication and transport layer security. IMAP clients ------------ - :download:`imap4client.py` - Simple IMAP4 client which displays the subjects of all messages in a particular mailbox.