Schedule the execution of a coroutine that awaits/yields from Deferreds, wrapping it in a Deferred that will fire on success/failure of the coroutine. If a Deferred is passed to this function, it will be returned directly (mimicing asyncio's ensure_future function).

Coroutine functions return a coroutine object, similar to how generators work. This function turns that coroutine into a Deferred, meaning that it can be used in regular Twisted code. For example:

    import treq
    from twisted.internet.defer import ensureDeferred
    from twisted.internet.task import react

    async def crawl(pages):
        results = {}
        for page in pages:
            results[page] = await treq.content(await treq.get(page))
        return results

    def main(reactor):
        pages = [
        d = ensureDeferred(crawl(pages))
        return d

ParameterscoroThe coroutine object to schedule, or a Deferred. (type: A Python 3.5+ async def coroutine, a Python 3.4+ yield from using types.GeneratorType, or a Deferred.)
Returns (type: Deferred)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-20 23:54:06.