t.c.s.transport : module documentation

Part of twisted.conch.ssh View Source

The lowest level SSH protocol. This handles the key negotiation, the encryption and the compression. The transport layer is described in RFC 4253.

Maintainer: Paul Swartz

Class SSHTransportBase Protocol supporting basic SSH functionality: sending/receiving packets and message dispatch. To connect to or run a server, you must use SSHClientTransport or SSHServerTransport.
Class SSHServerTransport SSHServerTransport implements the server side of the SSH protocol.
Class SSHClientTransport SSHClientTransport implements the client side of the SSH protocol.
Class SSHCiphers SSHCiphers represents all the encryption operations that need to occur to encrypt and authenticate the SSH connection.
Function _getRandomNumber Generate a random number in the range [0, 2 ** bits).
Function _generateX Generate a new value for the private key x.
Class _MACParams _MACParams represents the parameters necessary to compute SSH MAC (Message Authenticate Codes).
Class _DummyCipher A cipher for the none encryption method.
Class _Counter Stateful counter which returns results packed in a byte string
def _getRandomNumber(random, bits): (source)
Generate a random number in the range [0, 2 ** bits).
ParametersbitsThe number of bits in the result. (type: int)
ReturnsThe newly generated random number. (type: int or long)
RaisesValueErrorif bits is not a multiple of 8.
def _generateX(random, bits): (source)

Generate a new value for the private key x.

From RFC 2631, section 2.2:

   X9.42 requires that the private key x be in the interval
   [2, (q - 2)].  x should be randomly generated in this interval.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2013-11-18 18:11:01.