[Twisted-web] Twisted 15.1.0pre1 Prerelease Announcement

HawkOwl hawkowl at atleastfornow.net
Fri Mar 6 16:56:41 MST 2015

Hi everyone!

I'm happy to announce the first prerelease for Twisted 15.1! This is not a big release, but does have some nice-to-haves:

- You can now install Twisted's optional dependencies (when it's released to PyPI) easier -- for example, `pip install twisted[tls]` installs Twisted with TLS support.
- twisted.web.static.File allows defining a custom resource for rendering forbidden pages.
- Twisted's MSN support is now deprecated.
- More documentation on how Trial finds tests.

As usual, tarballs can be found at http://twistedmatrix.com/Releases/pre/15.1.0pre1/ , and the full NEWS file can be found at http://twistedmatrix.com/Releases/pre/15.1.0pre1/NEWS.txt .

Please test them out! :)

Twisted regards,
Hawkie Owl
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