[Twisted-web] [Nevow] inevow.IQ

Manlio Perillo manlio_perillo at libero.it
Tue Jul 25 10:29:53 CDT 2006

Jean-Paul Calderone ha scritto:
> On Tue, 25 Jul 2006 12:51:30 +0200, Manlio Perillo
> <manlio_perillo at libero.it> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> In the interface IQ there is a keyed method but it seems that this is
>> not implemented.
>> What about it?
> It looks like a very strange operation to me.  It should probably be
> removed from the interface.

It is not the only strange thing in Nevow source code ;-).

>> It is documented also in stan.py (where there are some other special
>> stuff like remember).
> It is?  I can't see any references to it except for on the IQ definition.

    def __call__(self, **kw):
        """Change attributes of this tag. This is implemented using
        __call__ because it then allows the natural syntax::

          table(width="100%", height="50%", border="1")

        Attributes may be 'invisible' tag instances (so that
        C{a(href=invisible(data="foo", render=myhrefrenderer))} works),
        strings, functions, or any other object which has a registered

        If the attribute is a python keyword, such as 'class', you can
        add an underscore to the name, like 'class_'.

        A few magic attributes have values other than these, as they
        are not serialized for output but rather have special purposes
        of their own:

         - data: The value is saved on the context stack and passed to
           render functions.

         - render: A function to call that may modify the tag in any
           way desired.

         - remember: Remember the value on the context stack with
           context.remember(value) for later lookup with

         - pattern: Value should be a key that can later be used to
           locate this tag with context.patternGenerator() or

         - key: A string used to give the node a unique label.  This
           is automatically namespaced, so in
           the inner span actually has a key of 'foo.bar'.  The key is
           intended for use as e.g. an html 'id' attribute, but will
           is not automatically output.

         - macro - A function which will be called once in the lifetime
           of the template, when the template is loaded. The return
           result from this function will replace this Tag in the template.

>> By the way: what's the difference, say, beetwen
>> ctx.fillSlots(...) and inevow.IQ(ctx).fillSlots(...)
>> ?
> Not a lot. 

An overhead for the adaptation?

> Neither should be used, though.  Use tag.fillSlots(...)
> instead.

Right, thanks.
But it is strange: why I do not get deprecation warnings?

Thanks and regards  Manlio Perillo

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