[Twisted-web] Fix for an issue 92 (windows binary distribution made with distutils doesn't install data files into package directories)

Andrea Arcangeli andrea at cpushare.com
Thu Mar 3 09:50:18 MST 2005

On Wed, Mar 02, 2005 at 10:48:03PM +0000, Matt Goodall wrote:
> Yes, someone will.

btw, I would also like to send a reminder about getting the caching
stuff into the trunk ;). I proved that the hard approach in rend.Page is
significantly more performant than the tags.cached pure approach (even
the hard approach is less clean).

This is what I carry in my own Nevow branch (most of it is dialtone's
Nevow-caching branch):

Index: Nevow/nevow/tags.py
--- Nevow/nevow/tags.py	(revision 1257)
+++ Nevow/nevow/tags.py	(working copy)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-from nevow.stan import Proto, Tag, directive, raw, xml, CommentProto, invisible, slot, cdata
+from nevow.stan import Proto, Tag, directive, raw, xml, CommentProto, invisible, slot, cdata, cached
 comment = CommentProto()
@@ -62,7 +62,9 @@
 def inlineJS(s):
     return script(type="text/javascript", language="JavaScript")[xml('\n//<![CDATA[\n%s\n//]]>\n' % s)]
-__all__ = tags + ['invisible', 'comment', '_dir', '_del', '_object', '_map', 'drange', 'Tag', 'directive', 'xml', 'raw', 'slot', 'cdata', 'inlineJS'] + ['_%s' % x for x in range(100)]
+__all__ = tags + ['invisible', 'comment', '_dir', '_del', '_object',
+                  '_map', 'drange', 'Tag', 'directive', 'xml', 'raw',
+                  'slot', 'cached', 'cdata', 'inlineJS'] + ['_%s' % x for x in range(100)]
Index: Nevow/nevow/__init__.py
--- Nevow/nevow/__init__.py	(revision 1257)
+++ Nevow/nevow/__init__.py	(working copy)
@@ -138,6 +138,8 @@
 nevow.util.remainingSegmentsFactory  nevow.context.RequestContext   nevow.inevow.IRemainingSegments
 nevow.util.currentSegmentsFactory  nevow.context.RequestContext   nevow.inevow.ICurrentSegments
+nevow.cache.SiteCache   nevow.context.SiteContext   nevow.inevow.ICache
 nevow.query.QueryContext    nevow.context.WovenContext  nevow.inevow.IQ
 nevow.query.QueryLoader     nevow.inevow.IDocFactory      nevow.inevow.IQ
 nevow.query.QueryList       __builtin__.list        nevow.inevow.IQ
@@ -186,6 +188,7 @@
 nevow.flat.flatstan.RendererSerializer            nevow.inevow.IRenderer
 nevow.flat.flatstan.DirectiveSerializer           nevow.stan.directive
 nevow.flat.flatstan.SlotSerializer                nevow.stan.slot
+nevow.flat.flatstan.CachedSerializer              nevow.stan.cached 
 nevow.flat.flatstan.ContextSerializer             nevow.context.WovenContext
 nevow.flat.flatstan.DeferredSerializer            twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
 nevow.flat.flatstan.DeferredSerializer            twisted.internet.defer.DeferredList
Index: Nevow/nevow/flat/flatstan.py
--- Nevow/nevow/flat/flatstan.py	(revision 1257)
+++ Nevow/nevow/flat/flatstan.py	(working copy)
@@ -8,11 +8,15 @@
 from nevow import util
 from nevow.stan import Proto, Tag, xml, directive, Unset, invisible
-from nevow.inevow import IRenderer, IRendererFactory, IGettable, IData
-from nevow.flat import precompile, serialize
+from nevow.inevow import IRenderer, IRendererFactory, IGettable, IData, ICache
+from nevow.flat import precompile, serialize, iterflatten
 from nevow.accessors import convertToData
 from nevow.context import WovenContext
+from time import time as now
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+from twisted.internet import defer
 allowSingleton = ('img', 'br', 'hr', 'base', 'meta', 'link', 'param', 'area',
                   'input', 'col', 'basefont', 'isindex', 'frame')
@@ -226,6 +230,43 @@
         return serialize(original.default, context)
     return serialize(data, context)
+def CachedSerializer(original, context):
+    cache = ICache(original.scope(context))
+    cached = cache.get(original.key, original.lifetime)
+    if cached:
+        yield cached
+        return
+    io = StringIO()
+    for child in iterflatten(original.children, context, io.write,
+                             lambda item: True):
+        if isinstance(child, tuple):
+            childDeferred, childReturner = child
+            d = defer.Deferred() ## A new deferred for the outer loop, whose result
+            ## we don't care about, because we don't want the outer loop to write
+            ## anything when this deferred fires -- only when the entire for loop
+            ## has completed and we have all the "children" flattened
+            def innerDeferredResultAvailable(result):
+                childReturner(result) ## Cause the inner iterflatten to continue
+                d.callback('') ## Cause the outer iterflatten to continue
+                return ''
+            childDeferred.addCallback(innerDeferredResultAvailable)
+            ## Make the outer loop wait on our new deferred.
+            ## We call the new deferred back with ''
+            ## Which will cause the outer loop to write '' to the request,
+            ## which doesn't matter. It will then call our "returner",
+            ## which is just the noop lambda below, because we don't care
+            ## about the return result of the new deferred, which is just
+            ## ''
+            yield d, lambda result: ''    
+    result = io.getvalue()
+    cache.set(result, original.key)
+    yield result
 def ContextSerializer(original, context):
     originalContext = original.clone(deep=False)
     originalContext.precompile = context and context.precompile or False
Index: Nevow/nevow/stan.py
--- Nevow/nevow/stan.py	(revision 1257)
+++ Nevow/nevow/stan.py	(working copy)
@@ -119,8 +119,40 @@
         raise NotImplementedError, "Stan slot instances are not iterable."
+def passThrough(_):
+    return _
+class cached(object):
+    """Marker for cached content
+    """
+    __slots__ = ['key', 'children', 'lifetime', 'scope']
+    def __init__(self, key, scope=None, lifetime=-1):
+        self.key = key
+        self.children = []
+        self.lifetime = lifetime
+        self.scope = scope
+        if not scope:
+            self.scope = passThrough
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "cached('%s','%s')" % self.key, self.lifetime
+    def __getitem__(self, children):
+        """cached content is what is being cached
+        """
+        if not isinstance(children, (list, tuple)):
+            children = [children]
+        self.children.extend(children)
+        return self
+    def __iter__(self):
+        """Prevent an infinite loop if someone tries to do
+            for x in cached('foo'):
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError, "Stan slot instances are not iterable."
 class Tag(object):
     """Tag instances represent XML tags with a tag name, attributes,
     and children. Tag instances can be constructed using the Prototype
Index: Nevow/nevow/inevow.py
--- Nevow/nevow/inevow.py	(revision 1257)
+++ Nevow/nevow/inevow.py	(working copy)
@@ -98,8 +98,24 @@
     ANY python object is said to implement IData.
+class ICache(compy.Interface):
+    """This object represents the cache that contains all the
+    pre-flattened fragments
+    """
+    def get(self, index, lifetime):
+        """ Get an object from the cache with the given index only if
+        it is less old than lifetime, otherwise return None.
+        """
+    def set(self, toBeCached, *indexes):
+        """ Register toBeCached with each of the indexes passed """
+    def clear(self, what):
+        """ Clear what keyed element from the cache, or search for
+        what in sequences in all the keys and clear the item
+        """
 class IGettable(compy.Interface):
     def get(self, context):
         """Return the data
Index: Nevow/nevow/rend.py
--- Nevow/nevow/rend.py	(revision 1257)
+++ Nevow/nevow/rend.py	(working copy)
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 from nevow import flat
 from nevow.util import log
 from nevow import util
+from nevow import url
 import formless
 from formless import iformless
@@ -376,6 +377,8 @@
         self.children[name] = child
+_CACHE = {}
 class Page(Fragment, ConfigurableFactory, ChildLookupMixin):
     """A page is the main Nevow resource and renders a document loaded
     via the document factory (docFactory).
@@ -389,8 +392,37 @@
     afterRender = None
     addSlash = None
+    cache = False
+    lifetime = -1
+    __lastCacheRendering = 0
     flattenFactory = flat.flattenFactory
+    def hasCache(self, ctx):
+        if not self.cache:
+            return
+        _now = now() # run gettimeofday only once
+        timeout = _now > self.__lastCacheRendering + self.lifetime and \
+                  self.lifetime >= 0
+        c = self.lookupCache(ctx)
+        if timeout or c is None:
+            # stop other renders
+            self.__lastCacheRendering = _now
+            c = None
+        return c
+    def cacheRendered(self, ctx, c):
+        if not self.cache:
+            return
+        # overwrite the deferred with the data
+        self.storeCache(ctx, c)
+    def cacheIDX(self, ctx):
+        return str(url.URL.fromContext(ctx))
+    def storeCache(self, ctx, c):
+        _CACHE[self.cacheIDX(ctx)] = c
+    def lookupCache(self, ctx):
+        return _CACHE.get(self.cacheIDX(ctx))
     def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
         ## XXX request is really ctx now, change the name here
         request = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
@@ -412,11 +444,18 @@
             if self.afterRender is not None:
-        if self.buffered:
+        c = self.hasCache(ctx)
+        if c is not None:
+            finishRequest()
+            return c
+        if self.buffered or self.cache:
             io = StringIO()
             writer = io.write
             def finisher(result):
-                request.write(io.getvalue())
+                c = io.getvalue()
+                self.cacheRendered(ctx, c)
+                request.write(c)
                 return result
@@ -500,7 +539,6 @@
                 ## Use the redirectAfterPost url
                 ref = str(redirectAfterPost)
-            from nevow import url
             refpath = url.URL.fromString(ref)
             magicCookie = str(now())
             refpath = refpath.replace('_nevow_carryover_', magicCookie)
Index: Nevow/nevow/guard.py
--- Nevow/nevow/guard.py	(revision 1257)
+++ Nevow/nevow/guard.py	(working copy)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 from twisted.protocols import http
 # Nevow imports
-from nevow import inevow, url, stan
+from nevow import inevow, url, stan, cache
 def _sessionCookie():
@@ -315,6 +315,7 @@
                               path="/%s" % '/'.join(request.prepath),
         sz = self.sessions[newCookie] = self.sessionFactory(self, newCookie)
+        sz.setComponent(inevow.ICache, cache.SessionCache())
         sz.args = request.args
         sz.fields = getattr(request, 'fields', {})
         sz.content = request.content
Index: Nevow/nevow/cache.py
--- Nevow/nevow/cache.py	(revision 0)
+++ Nevow/nevow/cache.py	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+from time import time as now
+from nevow import inevow
+class SiteCache(object):
+    __implements__ = inevow.ICache,
+    _content = {}
+    def __init__(self, original):
+        self.original = original
+    def get(self, index, lifetime):
+        cached = self._content.get(index, None)
+        if cached is None:
+            return
+        if lifetime < 0:
+            return cached[1]
+        if cached[0] + lifetime > now():
+            return cached[1]
+    def set(self, toBeCached, *indexes):
+        _now = now()
+        for index in indexes:
+            self._content[index] = (_now, toBeCached)
+    def clear(self, what):
+        if self._content.has_key(what):
+            self._content.pop(what)
+        for key in self._content.keys():
+            if what in key:
+                self._content.pop(key)
+class SessionCache(SiteCache):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._content = {}

This code is working for a few weeks on www.cpushare.com, so far so
good (all http part is completely cached with the rand.Page lifetime and
it delivers >200 req per second of those small pages). I also use the
tags.caching from dialtime in various places.

Thanks a lot to dialtone and everyone else for making this possible.

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