[Twisted-web] RE: Writing a web application - how to make twisted/nevow "look good"

Joel Boehland twisted-web@twistedmatrix.com
Tue, 10 Feb 2004 15:36:45 -0800

I think developing some sort of widget library would be useful to the nevow community. I have done
a little tinkering with nevow UI widgets as well. Mostly I'm deconstructing some of the ui elements
in plone2.0 and trying to convert them to nevow. I've gotten their action-tabs, tables and portal boxes
basically working. Anyhow I'd be interesting in some sort of project like this. The question is how
should this be done? Any sort of reasonably complex web ui is going to have elements of
nevow + xhtml+ js + css. The js and css may also be dynamic. How would be create a catalog/library to hold
these ui widgets? Would it be a web demo sort of like pastebin where you can see a widget, and then
cut-n-paste the code for the nevow/css/js/xhtml? Or would it be a more formalized library that you would
download. I like the idea of a web-based catalog, since you could see how each of the widgets looks.

Anyhow, I like the idea of some sort of widget library or catalog.
