from twisted.protocols import ftp from twisted.python import usage, log, filepath, failure from twisted.application import internet from twisted.cred import error, portal, checkers, credentials from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from zope.interface import Interface, implements """ A simple, Mock ftpserver based on the twisted ftp plugin. Usage: def setUp(self): self.server = FtpServerFactory({ 'root': /tmp, }).makeServer() def tearDown(self): server.close() Todo: Make a IFTPShell implementation that can take a directory structure defined as a dictionary. """ class MyFTPRealm: """ Special ftprealm that uses the root for logged in users and /tmp for anon users. @type anonymousRoot: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath} @ivar anonymousRoot: Root of the filesystem to which anonymous, default /tmp @type : L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath} @ivar anonymousRoot: Root of the filesystem to which logged in users may see users will be granted access. """ implements(portal.IRealm) def __init__(self, root, anonymousRoot = "tmp"): self.anonymousRoot = filepath.FilePath(anonymousRoot) self.root = root def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces): for iface in interfaces: if iface is ftp.IFTPShell: if avatarId is checkers.ANONYMOUS: avatar = ftp.FTPAnonymousShell(self.anonymousRoot) else: avatar = ftp.FTPShell(filepath.FilePath(self.root)) return ftp.IFTPShell, avatar, getattr(avatar, 'logout', lambda: None) raise NotImplementedError("Only IFTPShell interface is supported by this realm") class FtpServerFactory(object): """ Simple mock ftp server instance. usage: def setUp(self): port = FtpServerFactory({'root': './tmp', 'allowed_users': {'twisted':'twisted'}}).makeListner() # important: use the addCleanup function instead of the normal tearDown function. self.addCleanup(port.stopListening) def testSomething() """ def __init__(self, config): f = ftp.FTPFactory() log.msg("Starting ftp server with root: " + config['root']) r = MyFTPRealm(config['root']) p = portal.Portal(r) p.registerChecker(checkers.AllowAnonymousAccess(), credentials.IAnonymous) if config.has_key('password-file') and config['password-file'] is not None: p.registerChecker(checkers.FilePasswordDB(config['password-file'], cache=True)) if config['allowed_users'] is not None: p.registerChecker(checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(**config['allowed_users'])) f.tld = config['root'] f.userAnonymous = config.get('userAnonymous', 'anon') f.portal = p f.protocol = ftp.FTP self.f = f try: self.portno = 21 #self.portno = int(config['port']) except KeyError: self.portno = 2121 def makeListener(self): """ Starts listening to a random port. @return: an object that provides L{IListeningPort}. """ return reactor.listenTCP(0, self.f, interface="") port = FtpServerFactory({'root': './tmp', 'allowed_users': {'zozo':'zozo'}, 'port': 21}).makeListener()