from twisted.internet import stdio, reactor from twisted.protocols import basic from twisted.web import client class WebCheckerCommandProtocol(basic.LineReceiver): delimiter = '\n' # unix terminal style newlines. remove this line # for use with Telnet def connectionMade(self): self.sendLine("Web checker console. Type 'help' for help.") def lineReceived(self, line): if not line: return commandParts = line.split() command = commandParts[0].lower() args = commandParts[1:] try: method = getattr(self, 'do_' + command) method(*args) except AttributeError, e: self.sendLine('Error: no such command.') except Exception, e: self.sendLine('Error: ' + str(e)) def do_help(self, command=None): "help [command]: List commands, or show help on the given command" if command: self.sendLine(getattr(self, 'do_' + command).__doc__) else: commands = [cmd[3:] for cmd in dir(self) if cmd.startswith('do_')] self.sendLine("Valid commands: " +" ".join(commands)) def do_quit(self): "quit: Quit this session" self.sendLine('Goodbye.') # stop the reactor, only because this is meant to be run in Stdio. # if using with Telnet, use self.transport.loseConnection() instead. reactor.stop() def do_check(self, url): "check : Attempt to download the given web page" client.getPage(url).addCallback( self.__checkSuccess).addErrback( self.__checkFailure) def __checkSuccess(self, pageData): self.sendLine("Success: got %i bytes." % len(pageData)) def __checkFailure(self, failure): self.sendLine("Failure: " + failure.getErrorMessage()) if __name__ == "__main__": stdio.StandardIO(WebCheckerCommandProtocol())