def _fetch_split(self, s): """Like split, but do not split within []. splitQuoted could be used instead, if it was changed to accept the 'quote' character. """ in_bracket = b = 0 for e in range(0, len(s)): if s[e] == ' ' and in_bracket == 0: yield s[b:e] b = e+1 elif s[e] == '[': in_bracket += 1 elif s[e] == ']': in_bracket -= 1 if s[b:] != '': yield s[b:] class Flags(object): name = "flags" def __str__(self): return "FLAGS" class Internaldate(object): name = "internaldate" def __str__(self): return "INTERNALDATE" class Envelope(object): name = "envelope" def __str__(self): return "ENVELOPE" class UID(object): name = "uid" def __str__(self): return "UID" class RFC822(object): name = "rfc822" def __init__(self, header=False, size=False, text=False): self.header, self.size, self.text = header, size, text def __str__(self): if self.header: return "RFC822.HEADER" elif self.size: return "RFC822.SIZE" elif self.text: return "RFC822.TEXT" else: return "RFC822" class Body(object): name = 'body' def __init__(self, peek=False, header=False, fields=False, fields_not=False, text=False, mime=False, structure=False, only=False, fielditems=None, section=None, partial=None): self.peek = peek self.header = header self.fields = fields self.fields_not = fields_not self.text = text self.mime = mime self.fielditems = fielditems self.section = section self.partial = partial self.structure = structure self.only = only def __str__(self): if self.only: return "BODY" elif self.structure: return "BODYSTRUCTURE" base = "BODY" if self.peek: base = "BODY.PEEK" if self.section: section = '.'.join(self.section) else: section = "" if self.partial: partial = "<%s.%s>" % partial else: partial = "" opt = '' if self.header: if self.fields_not: opt = "HEADER.FIELDS.NOT %s" % \ (collapseNestedLists(self.fielditems),) elif self.fields: opt = "HEADER.FIELDS %s" % \ (collapseNestedLists(self.fielditems),) else: opt = "HEADER" elif self.text: opt = "TEXT" % (body, ) elif self.mime: opt = "MIME" % (mime, ) return "%s[%s%s]%s" % (base, section, opt, partial) fetch_atts = {"ALL" : [Flags(), Internaldate(), RFC822(size=True), Envelope()], "FAST" : [Flags(), Internaldate(), RFC822(size=True)], "FULL" : [Flags(), Internaldate(), RFC822(size=True), Envelope(), Body()], "ENVELOPE" : [Envelope()], "FLAGS" : [Flags()], "INTERNALDATE" : [Internaldate()], "UID" : [UID()], "RFC822" : [RFC822()], "RFC822.HEADER" : [RFC822(header=True)], "RFC822.SIZE" : [RFC822(size=True)], "RFC822.TEXT" : [RFC822(text=True)], "BODY" : [Body(only=True)], "BODYSTRUCTURE" : [Body(structure=True)], } body_re = re.compile(r""" BODY # the initial BODY \.? (?P PEEK)? # capture the PEEK (but not '.') into # group 'peek' \[ (?: (?P
# the '[' and a non-capture group for # the final '.', and call the next group # 'section' [\d\.]*) \.)? # the 'section' group must be a sequence # of numbers, separated by '.'s # (this will capture invalid section # specifiers - it is up to the user to # verify that they are valid) (?P # a group named 'part' for the part of # the message we are after HEADER | TEXT | MIME | # the part must be any one of these HEADER.FIELDS | HEADER.FIELDS.NOT) (?: [ ] \( # don't capture the space and '(' (?P # an optional group named 'fielditems' [^\(\)] *) \) )? # holding anything except '(' or ')' \] # the ']' (?: \< # a non-capture group for the optional # partial specifier and the opening '<' (?P \d+ \. [1-9] \d*) # the partial group which must be any # number, a '.', and then any non-zero # number \>)? # closing '>' """, re.VERBOSE) def arg_fetchatt(self, line): """ fetch-att """ query = [] for item in self._fetch_split(line[1:-1]): if self.fetch_atts.has_key(item): query.extend(self.fetch_atts[item]) else: mo = self.body_re.match(item) if mo is None: raise IllegalIdentifierError() # A few checks that are beyond the regex if"part") == "MIME" and \"section") == "": raise IllegalIdentifierError() no_fields = ("fielditems") is None) fields_needed = ("part") in \ ["HEADER.FIELDS", "HEADER.FIELDS.NOT"]) if (no_fields and fields_needed) or \ (not no_fields and not fields_needed): raise IllegalIdentifierError() # The mime section must start with a non-zero number, # and must not contain '..'. if"section") and \ ("section")[0] == '.' or \"section")[0] == '0' or \"section").find("..") == -1): raise IllegalIdentifierError() args = mo.groupdict() if args["partial"]: partial = args["partial"].split('.', 1) else: partial = None if args["section"]: section = args["section"].split('.') else: section = None if args["fielditems"]: fielditems = splitQuoted(args["fielditems"]) else: fielditems = None b = self.Body(peek=(args["peek"]=="PEEK"), header=(args["part"].startswith("HEADER")), fields=(args["part"][7:13] == "FIELDS"), fields_not=(args["part"][14:17] == "NOT"), text=(args["part"] == "TEXT"), mime=(args["part"] == "MIME"), fielditems=fielditems, section=section, partial=partial, ) query.append(b) return (query, '') def __cbFetch(self, results, tag, mbox, uid): for (mId, parts) in results.iteritems(): if uid: if not parts.has_key(self.UID()): parts['UID'] = str(mId) P = [] for p, r in parts.iteritems(): P.append("%s %s" % (str(p), collapseNestedLists([r]))) self.sendUntaggedResponse( '%d FETCH (%s)' % (mId, ' '.join(P)) ) self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'FETCH completed')