def _strip_paren(self, s): """Remove leading and trailing parentheses.""" if s[0] == '(': if s[-1] != ')': raise MismatchedNesting(s) s = s[1:-1] return s def _fetch_split(self, s): """Like split, but do not split within []. splitQuoted could be used instead, if it was changed to accept the 'quote' character. """ in_bracket = b = 0 for e in range(0, len(s)): if s[e] == ' ' and in_bracket == 0: yield s[b:e] b = e+1 elif s[e] == '[': in_bracket += 1 elif s[e] == ']': in_bracket -= 1 if s[b:] != '': yield s[b:] def _build_body_query(self, d): body_query = "%s(" % (d["body"],) for item, value in d.items(): if item == "peek" and value is not None: body_query += "%s=1, " % (value,) elif item == "section" and value is not None: body_query += '%s="%s", ' % (item, value,) elif item == "partial" and value is not None: min, max = value.split('.', 1) body_query += "%s=(%s,%s), " % (item, min, max) elif item == "part" and value is not None: if '.' in value: value, extra = value.split('.', 1) if '.' in extra: extra, extra2 = extra.split('.', 1) body_query += "%s=1, %s=1, %s=1, " % (value, extra, extra2) else: body_query += "%s=1, %s=1, " % (value, extra) else: body_query += "%s=1, " % (value,) elif item == "fielditems" and value is not None: body_query += "%s=%s, " % (item, splitQuoted(value),) body_query = "%s)" % (body_query[:-2],) return body_query macro_fetch_atts = {"ALL" : ["FLAGS()", "INTERNALDATE()", "RFC822(SIZE=1)", "ENVELOPE()"], "FAST" : ["FLAGS()", "INTERNALDATE()", "RFC822(SIZE=1)"], "FULL" : ["FLAGS()", "INTERNALDATE()", "RFC822(SIZE=1)", "ENVELOPE()", "BODY()"]} simple_fetch_atts = ["ENVELOPE", "FLAGS", "INTERNALDATE", "UID"] body_re = re.compile(r"(?PBODY)(?:.(?PPEEK))?\[(?:(?P[1-9]\d*[\d*\.]*)\.)?(?PHEADER|TEXT|H" \ r"EADER.FIELDS|HEADER.FIELDS.NOT|MIME)(?: \((?P[^\(\)]*)\))?\](?:\<(?P\d+\." \ r"[1-9]\d*)\>)?", re.IGNORECASE) def arg_fetchatt(self, line): """ fetch-att """ line = self._strip_paren(line.lstrip().rstrip()) if self.macro_fetch_atts.has_key(line.upper()): query = self.macro_fetch_atts[line.upper()] else: query = [] line = self._strip_paren(line) for word in self._fetch_split(line): uword = word.upper() if uword in self.simple_fetch_atts: query.append("%s()" % (word,)) elif uword.startswith("RFC822"): if uword == "RFC822": query.append("%s()" % (word,)) else: query.append("%s(%s=1)" % (word[:6], word[7:])) elif uword.startswith("BODY"): if uword[4:] == "STRUCTURE": query.append("%s(%s=1)" % (word[:4], word[4:])) continue elif uword[4:] == "": query.append("%s()" % (word,)) continue mo = self.body_re.match(word) if mo is None: raise IllegalIdentifierError() # A few checks that are beyond the regex if"part").upper() == "MIME" and \"section") == "": raise IllegalIdentifierError() no_fields = ("fielditems") is None) fields_needed = ("part").upper() in \ ["HEADER.FIELDS", "HEADER.FIELDS.NOT"]) if (no_fields and fields_needed) or \ (not no_fields and not fields_needed): raise IllegalIdentifierError() query.append(self._build_body_query(mo.groupdict())) else: raise IllegalIdentifierError() return query