from twisted.internet.interfaces import ITransport from twisted.internet.base import BaseConnector from twisted.internet import reactor, tcp from twisted.internet import protocol from twisted.python import log import struct, re, socket class Socks5Exception (Exception): """ Class descendants are raised for every fatal error that leads to connection close. """ class UnexpectedDataError (Socks5Exception): pass class UnhandledStateError (Socks5Exception): pass class LoginTooLongError (Socks5Exception): """ According to RFC1929 Login must be 1-255 chars. """ class PasswordTooLongError (Socks5Exception): """ According to RFC1929 Password must be 1-255 chars. """ class UnknownMethod (Socks5Exception): """ Method is invalid or not implemented. """ class ConnectError (Socks5Exception): """ One of error replies after client issue CONNECT command. """ class UnhandledData (Socks5Exception): """ Server returned data that was not handled properly in our impl. """ # Used to distinguish IP address from domain name # TODO: should this be optimized somehow? # _ip_regex = re.compile ("\d\d?\d?\.\d\d?\d?\.\d\d?\d?\.\d\d?\d?") # here are SOCKS error codes according to RFC1928 # SOCKS_errors = [\ "general SOCKS server failure", "connection not allowed by ruleset", "Network unreachable", "Host unreachable", "Connection refused", "TTL expired", "Command not supported", "Address type not supported"] class ClientProtocol (protocol.Protocol): """ This protocol that talks to SOCKS5 server from client side. """ __implements__ = ITransport, disconnecting = 0 def __init__(self, sockshost, socksport, host, port, factory, otherProtocol, method="CONNECT", login=None, password=None): """ Initializes SOCKS session @type sockshost: string @param sockshost: Domain name or ip address of intermediate SOCKS server. @type socksport: int @param socksport: Port number of intermediate server. @type host: string @param host: Domain name or ip address where should connect or bind. @type port: int @param port: Port number where to connect or bind. @type otherProtocol: object @param otherProtocol: Initialised protocol instance, which will receive all I/O and events after SOCKS connected. @type login: string @param login: Sets user name if SOCKS server requires us to authenticate. @type password: string @param password: Sets user password if SOCKS server requires us to authenticate. @type method: string @param method: What to do: may be \"CONNECT\" only. Other methods are currently unsupported. """ # login and password are limited to 256 chars # if login is not None and len (login) > 255: raise LoginTooLongError() if password is not None and len (password) > 255: raise PasswordTooLongError() # save information # self.method = method = host self.port = port self.login = login self.password = password self.state = "mustNotReceiveData" self.otherProtocol = otherProtocol self.factory = factory def connectionMade(self): # prepare connection string with available authentication methods # #log.debug ("SOCKS5.connectionMade") methods = "\x00" if not self.login is None: methods += "\x02" connstring = struct.pack ("!BB", 5, len (methods)) self.transport.write (connstring + methods) self.state = "gotHelloReply" def dataReceived (self, data): #log.debug ("SOCKS state=" + self.state) method = getattr(self, 'socks_%s' % (self.state), self.socks_thisMustNeverHappen) method (data) def socks_thisMustNeverHappen (self, data): self.transport.loseConnection() raise UnhandledStateError ("This SOCKS5 self.state (%s) "\ "must never happen %s" % (self.state, self)) def socks_mustNotReceiveData (self, data): """ This error might occur when server tells something into connection right after connection is established. Server in this case is certainly not SOCKS. """ self.transport.loseConnection() self.factory.clientConnectionFailed (failure.Failure ( UnexpectedDataError ("Server must not send data before client %s" % self))) def socks_gotHelloReply (self, data): """ Receive server greeting and send authentication or ask to execute requested method right now. """ if data == "\x05\xFF": # No acceptable methods. We MUST close # self.transport.loseConnection() return elif data == "\x05\x00": # Anonymous access allowed - let's issue connect # self.sendCurrentMethod() elif data == "\x05\x02": # Authentication required # self.sendAuth() else: self.transport.loseConnection() self.factory.clientConnectionFailed (failure.Failure ( UnhandledData ("Server returned unknown reply in gotHelloReply"))) def socks_gotAuthReply (self, data): """ Called when client received server authentication reply, we or close connection or issue "CONNECT" command """ if data == "\x05\x00": self.sendCurrentMethod() def sendAuth (self): """ Prepare login/password pair and send it to the server """ command = "\x05%s%s%s%s" % (chr (len (self.login)), self.login, chr (len (self.password)), self.password) self.transport.write (command) self.state = "gotAuthReply" def sendCurrentMethod (self): method = getattr(self, 'socks_method_%s' % (self.method), self.socks_method_UNKNOWNMETHOD) method() def socks_method_UNKNOWNMETHOD (self): self.transport.loseConnection() self.factory.clientConnectionFailed (failure.Failure ( UnknownMethod ("Method %s is unknown %s" % (self.method, self)))) def socks_method_CONNECT (self): # Check if we have ip address or domain name # if _ip_regex.match ( # we have dotted quad IP address addressType = 1 address = socket.inet_aton ( else: # we have host name address = addressType = 3 # Protocol version=5, Command=1 (CONNECT), Reserved=0 command = struct.pack ("!BBBB", 5, 1, 0, addressType) portstr = struct.pack ("!H", self.port) self.transport.write (command + address + portstr) self.state = "gotConnectReply" def socks_gotConnectReply (self, data): """ Called after server accepts or rejects CONNECT method. """ if data[:2] == "\x05\x00": # IMHO no need to analyze other fields of reply, we are done # self.state = "done" self.otherProtocol.transport = self self.otherProtocol.connectionMade() # Connection may be safely closed # self.factory.connectionLostIsBad = 0 return errcode = ord (data[1]) if errcode < len (SOCKS_errors): self.transport.loseConnection() self.factory.clientConnectionFailed (failure.Failure ( ConnectError ("%s %s" % (SOCKS_errors[errcode], self)))) else: self.transport.loseConnection() self.factory.clientConnectionFailed (failure.Failure ( ConnectError ("Unknown SOCKS error after CONNECT request issued %s" % (self)))) def socks_done (self, data): """ Proxy received data to other protocol. """ self.otherProtocol.dataReceived (data) # # Transport relaying # def write(self, data): self.transport.write(data) def writeSequence(self, data): self.transport.writeSequence(data) def loseConnection(self): self.disconnecting = 1 self.transport.loseConnection() def getPeer(self): return self.transport.getPeer() def getHost(self): return self.transport.getHost() def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming): self.transport.registerProducer(producer, streaming) def unregisterProducer(self): self.transport.unregisterProducer() def stopConsuming(self): self.transport.stopConsuming() class ClientConnector (tcp.Connector): """Object used to connect to some host using intermediate server supporting SOCKS5 protocol. This IConnector manages one connection. """ def __init__(self, sockshost, socksport, host, port, otherFactory, reactor=None, method="CONNECT", login=None, password=None, timeout=30): """ Creates IConnector to connect through SOCKS @type sockshost: string @param sockshost: SOCKS5 compliant server address. @type socksport: int @param socksport: Port to use when connecting to SOCKS. @type timeout: float @param timeout: Time to wait until client connects, then fail. See ClientProtocol constructor for details on other params. """ factory = ClientFactory (method=method, sockshost=sockshost, socksport=socksport, host=host, port=port, login=login, password=password, otherFactory=otherFactory) tcp.Connector.__init__ (self, host=sockshost, port=socksport, factory=factory, timeout=timeout, bindAddress=None, reactor=reactor) class ClientFactory (protocol.ClientFactory): def __init__(self, sockshost, socksport, host, port, otherFactory, method="CONNECT", login=None, password=None): """ Factory creates SOCKS5 client protocol to connect through it. @type sockshost: string @param sockshost: SOCKS5 compliant server address. @type socksport: int @param socksport: Port to use when connecting to SOCKS. @type timeout: float @param timeout: Time to wait until client connects, then fail. See ClientProtocol constructor for details on other params. """ self.sockshost = sockshost self.socksport = socksport = host self.port = port self.method = method self.login = login self.password = password self.otherFactory = otherFactory # This flag helps clientConnectionLost to distinguish error from normal # connection close. # self.connectionLostIsBad = 1 def protocol (self): return ClientProtocol (sockshost=self.sockshost, socksport=self.socksport,, port=self.port, method=self.method, login=self.login, password=self.password, otherProtocol=self.otherFactory.buildProtocol (self.sockshost), factory=self) def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason): # If flag indicates that connection may not be lost # if self.connectionLostIsBad: # Tell about error # self.otherFactory.clientConnectionFailed (connector, reason) else: self.otherFactory.clientConnectionLost (connector, reason) def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): # I can't know where to get deferred, let factory do this itself # self.otherFactory.clientConnectionFailed (connector, reason) #--- EOF ---