[Twisted-Python] Twisted and Flask or Django

Hynek Schlawack hs at ox.cx
Mon Apr 17 23:09:07 MDT 2017

>> I have to disagree here BTW.  When I started using Twisted as a WSGI container, I was vexed by its lack of docs (and I’m still confused about many details).  There’s a few blog posts around but none of them reach the straight-forwardibility of e.g. gunicorn’s docs.  I’ve ended up asking around on IRC, stealing from Donald/PyPI, and reading source code.
> All I was saying here is that frameworks have gotten better about being "just WSGI" and not requiring a lot of crazy customization on the framework side of things.  But, you're absolutely right that we need better docs, many parts of the setup are not obvious!

Yeah, I didn’t actually mean to disagree as much as use it as an opportunity to voice something that has been brewing in me for a while. :)

>> There’s also barely any information on *why* one would want to use Twisted as a WSGI container.  And please keep in mind that to many, many (most likely: the majority) of Python users “pure Python” doesn’t mean “safe” but “slow.” C.f. all those “lightning fast pure C” frameworks popping up left and right, upvoted to nirvana on reddit and its likes.   If we want to do marketing, we have to be a tad more user-focused. :)
> Yep.  And things like Moshe's talk are wonderful resources to try to illuminate this unfortunately dark area, so I do appreciate people taking the time to do them.  I do also think that being a bit more strategic about it might result in vastly greater adoption though.

Yeah Moshe’s evangelism made me interested in the topic but it’s hard to find anything more than his material.  Particularly a good reference guide.  As you wrote, the particular integration with web frameworks is trivial (but should be provided!)

>> What I’m saying is that this topic shouldn’t be relegated into some wiki (where information famously is going to die) but should be a prominent tab on the landing page (maybe with additional information for specific frameworks in the wiki).
> The front page is also the wiki :-).  I'm happy to have it there, I just think that it should perhaps be workshopped a little bit on a draft page first.

Heh absolutely.  Just wanna stress that it should come right after “Web Server” in the “Code Examples” tabs. :)


Oh and I’d like to propose to officially merge the twisted-web mailing list into this one.  I don’t think it makes any sense to separate those two anymore.  It’s hard to do anything without web nowadays. :)

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