[Twisted-Python] overview: new review queue venue

Ralph Meijer ralphm at ik.nu
Sun May 22 02:12:12 MDT 2016

On May 22, 2016 9:36:28 AM GMT+02:00, Glyph <glyph at twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
>(Please nobody try to do the clever thing where you configure buildbot
>to automatically pull all PRs, that would effectively negate any
>security protections...)
>I've been assuming that in the worst-case scenario, we'd do what
>Cryptography does and have a bot that polls for special comments and
>then triggers buildbot in exactly this way.  Perhaps I should have made
>that assumption explicit, I thought it was ticketed somewhere in Braid

The Jenkins plugin for GitHub PR triggers has this feature, too. However, it also has a feature to whitelist users and GitHub teams so that PRs/commits can trigger automatically for them. Maybe that's a thing for us, too?


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