[Twisted-Python] how to implement login form logic with twisted.cred checkers, credentials and portal

Mashiat Sarker Shakkhar mashiat.sarker at gmail.com
Sat Mar 5 20:11:23 MST 2016

On 3/2/16 9:32 AM, snailcoder wrote:
> I'm trying to implement some login logic using twisted.cred module for 
> a website. In short, there's a login page with username/password 
> forms. Once the user input the right username/password, the browser 
> will redirect to another page which includes the user's profile.
> Does anyone have any ideas about how to implement this logic with 
> twisted.cred checkers, credentials and portal? Any suggestion is 
> appreciated :-)


Before I answer your question, allow me to give you a word of advice. 
Twisted is a low-level library. While you can build a web application 
directly on top of Twisted, I would not recommend it. You need 
higher-level abstractions to write manageable code. I recommend that you 
find a framework that builds on top of Twisted.

As for your question, you will find many examples of Twisted 
authentication if you Google a bit. You should probably start by reading 
this page: 
https://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/core/howto/cred.html. Below 
you will find a simple (and not very secure) example. It uses HTTP Basic 
authentication. It owes its verbosity to the low-level nature of Twisted.

     from twisted.cred import portal, checkers, credentials, error as 
     from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
     from twisted.web import guard, http, resource, server
     from zope.interface import implements

     class HttpPasswordRealm(object):

         def __init__(self, resource):
             self.resource = resource

         def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
             if resource.IResource in interfaces:
                 return (resource.IResource, self.resource, lambda: None)
             raise NotImplementedError()

     class MyPasswordChecker(object):
         credentialInterfaces = (credentials.IUsernamePassword, )
         MY_INSECURE_CREDS = {'name': 'pa$$w0rd'}

         def requestAvatarId(self, creds):
             pw = self.MY_INSECURE_CREDS.get(creds.username) or b''
             pw_match = yield creds.checkPassword(pw)
             if pw_match is True:
                 raise credError.UnauthorizedLogin('Incorrect username 
or password')

     class MyPortal(resource.Resource):
         isLeaf = True

         def render_GET(self, request):
             return 'Top secret content'

     checker = MyPasswordChecker()
     realm = HttpPasswordRealm(MyPortal())
     p = portal.Portal(realm, [checker, ])

     factory = guard.BasicCredentialFactory('My secret portal')
     protected_resource = guard.HTTPAuthSessionWrapper(p, [factory, ])

     site = server.Site(protected_resource)
     site.protocol = http.HTTPChannel
     reactor.listenTCP(8080, site)


Do not go and copy-paste the above. Please do your research. To build 
the interaction you described, I will recommend using Klein 
(https://github.com/twisted/klein). Klein can give you your entire app 
as a Resource instance. This example does not manage sessions or lets 
you log out. It only describes how you can protect a Resource using 
Twisted.cred. Good luck.

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