[Twisted-Python] How to handle arguments with undocumented types and argument deprecation

Adi Roiban adi at roiban.ro
Sun Oct 25 02:34:15 MDT 2015


This message is based on https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/5911#comment:14

In twisted/web/http.py we have the addCookie method which has the
'max_age' argument.

In the current code, the max_age is used as just anything which can be
converted into a text.

cookie = cookie +"; Max-Age=%s" % max_age

The latest patch documents max_age as requiring an int and adds tests
for the addCookie method... so to handly Py3 support the code looks
like this:

cookie = cookie + b"; Max-Age=" + intToBytes(max_age)


Should this code continue to handle str/int/long ?


Is there a way to deprecate a single argument from a method/function?

Since max_age does not comply with the coding convention, can we
deprecated max_age with support for str/int/log and create a new
maxAge argument which only supports bytes.


Adi Roiban

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