[Twisted-Python] [Twisted-web] Twisted 15.2 Prerelease Announcement

Glyph glyph at twistedmatrix.com
Mon May 11 22:10:48 MDT 2015

> On May 11, 2015, at 5:54 AM, HawkOwl <hawkowl at atleastfornow.net> wrote:
> Hello everyone! It's about time that the owl-themed release management simulation kicked into high-gear, and as such, I delivereth to you all the first prerelease of Twisted 15.2.
> Bringing not only headlining features but also a lot of incremental improvements, this release has got plenty to like:
> - twisted.logger has landed! This is a brand-new, feature-rich logging framework.
> - Python 3.4 is now a supported platform for all the Py3 ported modules.
> - twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase's assertEqual, assertTrue, and assertFalse methods now pass through the standard library's more informative failure messages.
> - twisted.python.filepath.FilePath now supports Unicode (text) paths properly, and includes as{Bytes,Text}Mode methods for interacting with APIs that require a text/bytes-only FilePath.
> - twisted.mail.smtp.sendmail now supports ESMTP and provides a high-level interface for sending mail.
> - The following parts of Twisted are now ported to Python 3:
>    - twisted.internet.process
>    - twisted.cred.credentials
>    - twisted.python.modules
>    - twisted.internet.kqreactor
>    - twisted.internet.endpoints.ProcessEndpoint
>    - twisted.web.static
> As usual, tarballs can be found at http://twistedmatrix.com/Releases/pre/15.2.0pre1/ , and the full NEWS file can be found at http://twistedmatrix.com/Releases/pre/15.2.0pre1/NEWS.txt .
> On a personal note, I'd like to thank Tavendo for sponsoring a majority of my Py3 porting work, and everyone who reviewed tickets for getting it landed.
> Please test out the new prerelease :)

Hooray!!!!  This release is a pretty big deal.  This new logging system has been in development for a long time, and the availability of twisted.internet.process on py3 is a pretty big new chunk of twisted.core to be available.

Thank you very much, Amber, for helping us get out timely releases on such a consistent basis.

Reminder, everyone, that you have a week from this announcement to test your software against the pre-release and test any regressions!

(Thanks also to my employer, Rackspace, for giving me the time to review many of these tickets.)


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