[Twisted-Python] Known bug with twistd log rotation

exarkun at twistedmatrix.com exarkun at twistedmatrix.com
Wed Jun 11 11:50:14 MDT 2014

On 04:22 pm, max at riehl.io wrote:
>Thanks Jean-Paul. I have no idea how I managed to miss both tickets 
>(there is a
>duplicate) and would like to apologize.

No worries!  I'm glad you asked here instead of filing another 
duplicate. ;)  And a lot of people have trouble finding tickets in our 
tracker - there are a lot to sort through and trac's search 
functionality isn't very good.

For what it's worth, I search the tracker using Google and including 
this term:


It produces much better results than trac itself in almost all cases.
>The required change is really small, despite the age of the ticket. Is 
>anything I can do to help fix it (e.G. contribute)?

Contribution would be most welcome!  It looks like no one has started 
work on the ticket at all, so it's yours for the taking. :)

Grab a checkout of Twisted (from subversion or git, as you prefer), 
write a failing unit test, then make it pass by changing the 
implementation. :)  Attach a patch to the ticket and add the "review" 

Read more about the contribution process on the wiki:




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