[Twisted-Python] ANN: Crochet 0.9.0 - Use Twisted Anywhere!

Tobias Oberstein tobias.oberstein at tavendo.de
Tue Oct 8 10:21:47 MDT 2013

Hi Itamar,

Nifty. Wasn't aware. I add it to my toolbelt;)


PS: One suggestion for the docs: it could be helpful to contrast the approach crochet takes with the other option of having a Twisted Web WSGI resource for running Flask (and other WSGI stuff) so users can make an informed decision.

Von: twisted-python-bounces at twistedmatrix.com [mailto:twisted-python-bounces at twistedmatrix.com] Im Auftrag von Itamar Turner-Trauring
Gesendet: Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2013 03:13
An: Twisted general discussion
Betreff: [Twisted-Python] ANN: Crochet 0.9.0 - Use Twisted Anywhere!

Crochet is an MIT-licensed library that makes it easier for blocking or threaded applications like Flask or Django to use the Twisted networking framework. Crochet provides the following features:

 *   Runs Twisted's reactor in a thread it manages.
 *   The reactor shuts down automatically when the process' main thread finishes.
 *   Hooks up Twisted's log system to the Python standard library logging framework. Unlike Twisted's built-in logging bridge, this includes support for blocking Handler instances.
 *   A blocking API to eventual results (i.e. Deferred instances). This last feature can be used separately, so Crochet is also useful for normal Twisted applications that use threads.

You can download Crochet at: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/crochet

Documentation can be found at: http://crochet.readthedocs.org

Bugs and feature requests should be filed at the project page: https://github.com/itamarst/crochet

What's New in 0.9.0

New features:

 *   Expanded and much improved documentation, including a new section with design suggestions.
 *   New decorator @wait_for_reactor added, a simpler alternative to @run_in_reactor.
 *   Refactored @run_in_reactor, making it a bit more responsive.
 *   Blocking operations which would otherwise never finish due to reactor having stopped (EventualResult.wait() or @wait_for_reactor decorated call) will be interrupted with a ReactorStopped exception.

Bug fixes:

 *   @run_in_reactor decorated functions (or rather, their generated wrapper) are interrupted by Ctrl-C.
 *   On POSIX platforms, a workaround is installed to ensure processes started by reactor.spawnProcess have their exit noticed. See Twisted ticket 6378<http://tm.tl/6738> for more details about the underlying issue.
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