[Twisted-Python] Setting socket options before connect

exarkun at twistedmatrix.com exarkun at twistedmatrix.com
Fri Jul 12 06:09:43 MDT 2013

On 10:42 am, p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk wrote:
>On 12/07/13 11:34, Itamar Turner-Trauring wrote:
>>Subclass twisted.internet.tcp.Client, override createInternetSocket() 
>>it calls setsockopt() on the socket after you've called base
>>implementation to create it. This breaks some abstraction boundaries, 
>>it isn't great, but very little code duplication is involved.
>Ah, ok. Presumably I also need to subclass Connector and override 
>_makeTransport to use MyClient, then call MyConnector() directly (or 
>subclass the reactor... shudder)
>Should there be something built in to Twisted for this? Should I open a 

If you want your code to keep working, or to work with alternate reactor 
implementations, then you'd *really* rather use a documented, tested 
interface rather than the hack outlined above.


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