[Twisted-Python] Do Viewables absolutely have to be return'ed by Avatars?

Daniel Sank sank.daniel at gmail.com
Sat Dec 7 13:28:22 MST 2013

I'm posting this for future hapless n00bs like myself who find this
thread while trying to grok perspective broker.

> It seems to me that the right way to fix this issue with being able to
> pass Cacheable and Viewable instances as arguments to mind.callRemote
> methods would be to "attach" a perspective to that mind, possibly
> during login (with a means for doing in manually as well).

By looking around in the source code and doing more experiments I have
figured out that you can just do this

mind.perspective = thePerspectiveIWantToAssociateWithThisMind

All subsequent serializations of Viewables and Cacheables work exactly
as they should.

This seems like a totally reasonable and simple way to fix the issue
presented at the start of this thread. Interestingly, this isn't
explained in the howto, and seems to have been forgotten by the
developers (or this is a bad solution for reasons I don't understand).

When the website is working again I'll file a documentation ticket (and fix it).

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