[Twisted-Python] need to make imap server replies

exarkun at twistedmatrix.com exarkun at twistedmatrix.com
Tue Jun 26 08:47:25 MDT 2012

On 24 Jun, 09:21 pm, ghanavatian.ali at gmail.com wrote:
>hello there,
>here's the code i got:
>it's implementing an imap server, problem is it does not retrieve 
>mail client can capture new emails only once and after that, it should
>disconnect and reconnect again to receive new emails (again only once).
>any idea what's wrong here?

There doesn't appear to be any attempt at reconnection logic in that 
example.  There is only one call to `reactor.connectTCP` and there is 
even a call to `reactor.stop()` after the first connection is done.

If you want the client to reconnect, you need to call 
`reactor.connectTCP` again at some point, not `reactor.stop()`.

>thanks in advance
>A. Ghanavatian <http://www.google.com/profiles/ghanavatian.ali>

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