[Twisted-Python] DeprecationWarning and PotentialZombieWarning

Kevin McIntyre kmcintyre at greenchargenet.com
Wed Jun 6 13:58:37 MDT 2012

I recently upgraded to 12.0.0 and was running my process in the shell,
when this error/warning was thrown.  Any idea what it means?

DeprecationWarning: twisted.internet.error.PotentialZombieWarning was
deprecated in Twisted 10.0.0: There is no longer any potential for
zombie process.
 o = getattr (m, sym)
DeprecationWarning: twisted.protocols.basic.COMMA was deprecated in
Twisted 10.2.0: NetstringReceiver parser state is private.
 o = getattr (m, sym)
DeprecationWarning: twisted.protocols.basic.DATA was deprecated in
Twisted 10.2.0: NetstringReceiver parser state is private.
 o = getattr (m, sym)
DeprecationWarning: twisted.protocols.basic.LENGTH was deprecated in
Twisted 10.2.0: NetstringReceiver parser state is private.
 o = getattr (m, sym)
DeprecationWarning: twisted.protocols.basic.NUMBER was deprecated in
Twisted 10.2.0: NetstringReceiver parser state is private.
 o = getattr (m, sym)
DeprecationWarning: twisted.internet.interfaces.IFinishableConsumer
was deprecated in Twisted 11.1.0: Please use IConsumer (and
IConsumer.unregisterProducer) instead.
 o = getattr (m, sym)
DeprecationWarning: twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorArbitrary was
deprecated in Twisted 10.1.0: See IReactorFDSet.
 o = getattr (m, sym)


Kevin McIntyre | Software Engineer | Green Charge Networks

Cell 718-249-5058 | kmcintyre at greenchargenet.com | www.greenchargenet.com

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