[Twisted-Python] telnet works, why wont this client/protocol test?

Glyph glyph at twistedmatrix.com
Thu Jan 12 13:33:51 EST 2012

On Jan 12, 2012, at 1:06 PM, Augusto Mecking Caringi wrote:

> "Most textual Internet protocols (including HTTP, SMTP, FTP, IRC and
> many others) mandate the use of ASCII CR+LF (0x0D 0x0A) on the
> protocol level, but recommend that tolerant applications recognize
> lone LF as well."

[citation needed]

Where is the recommendation that "tolerant" applications recognize lone LF for these protocols?  Re-skimming the RFCs now, they all seem to mandate CR LF.  (Also: is there a recommendation elsewhere that delineates between tolerant and intolerant applications?)


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