[Twisted-Python] Twisted-Python Digest, Vol 90, Issue 16

Fabian Rothfuchs fabian.rothfuchs at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 19 12:03:20 MDT 2011

>One thing you can do is make a small initial startup method that
>you supply to reactor.callLater with a delay of 0, that does the loop on
>the connectTCP()'s.  It will start up your initial set of connections.

Thanks John, this was *really* helpful!
I now did the following:
1. On Startup, the application starts one threaded reactor with a NOP
Protocol which
connects to (discard socket).
2. The adapters use that threaded reactor as follows:
>>>for host in hosts:
>>> ...host, port = (host, 23)
>>> ...d = defer.Deferred()
>>> ...from twisted.internet import reactor
>>> ...factory = S12ClientFactory(d, username='root', password='admin')
>>> ...reactor.connectTCP(host, port, factory, timeout=5)
>>> ...d.addCallbacks(success, error)
>>> ...d.addBoth(logout)
>>> ...reactor.wakeUp()

The second important part was the wakeUp() call, which apparently triggers
the reactor
To end all blocking tasks.

My appreciations to Jeff and Johann as well for their help!


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