[Twisted-Python] Example of re-usable ClientFactories?

exarkun at twistedmatrix.com exarkun at twistedmatrix.com
Wed Jun 15 14:08:07 MDT 2011

On 07:19 pm, glyph at twistedmatrix.com wrote:
>On Jun 15, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Orestis Markou wrote:
>>But, for most of the one-shot cases it seems that a ClientCreator (or 
>>an endpoint) would serve the same purpose, no?
>I am not sure that I understand your message.  ClientFactory will be 
>re-used if you re-use it; it won't be re-used if you don't.  There's no 
>particularly compelling reason to do so or not to do so; just whatever 
>happens to make sense within your application.
>However, I should note that with the advent of endpoints, ClientFactory 
>is no longer necessary.  Connection failure is communicated on an 
>endpoint via the Deferred from connect() errbacking, so there's no need 
>for the extra callbacks that ClientFactory provides.

Except clientConnectionLost.


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