[Twisted-Python] ClientFactory: implementing Request/Response with a persistent connection

Wolfgang Powisch powo at powo.priv.at
Wed Feb 2 18:01:57 MST 2011


I need to talk to a Line-based TCP service from a Twisted Application.
The remote server will accept requests and send a response.

I do NOT want to open a NEW TCP-Connection for each request.

Are there any examples how to send concurrent requests over a single
conenction ? .. so that my module takes care of sending the next request
when the previous response has been received

Here a simple (pseudo-)example of how I would like to use my client-module:

xyclient = yield XyClient('',1234).connect()
d1 = xyclient.send_request('GET 1')  # returns a deferred
d2 = xyclient.send_request('GET 2')  # returns a deferred

"Response 1"
"Response 2"

Later I need to enhance this to manage a Pool of connections and dispatch
requests across this pool. Does there exist something "out of the box"
for ConnectionPools ?

regards, powo

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