[Twisted-Python] Memory Usage Problem

Thomas Hervé therve at free.fr
Mon Sep 6 03:48:35 MDT 2010

Le lundi 06 septembre 2010 à 08:28 +0000, Ozgur Pekcagliyan a écrit :
> Hi All,
> I have a problem which is that memory usage of twisted is increasing but not 
> decreasing over time.
> After few days, it reaches 520MB. You may find the codes below;
> How may I reduce the usage of memory?
> Twisted version: 8.2.0
> Python version: 2.4.3


It's a bit hard to tell, because you're only showing the tac files, and
not the application code, where the memory leak is likely to be.

 * Twisted 8.2 is fairly old, it would worth to try a more recent
 * Python 2.4.3 is very old too, *and* contains a pretty bad bug in the
socket module (unless your platform patched). Note also that only Python
2.5 started releasing memory (IIRC).


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