[Twisted-Python] Daemon processes on windows

Brian Granger ellisonbg.net at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 00:22:15 EST 2009

Fantastic, thanks for sharing this code.  I will definitely have a look.  If
it turns out to
work for us, would you mind releasing this under a BSD license so we can
it in IPython (BSD open source project)?  In either case, the ideas will be
very helpful to us.



It is possible to daemonize a process on Windows. I experimented with
> adding that support to the twistd script, but got swamped with other
> work and couldn't finish it. Below is the code that I have so far. You
> can save it in a module and call the daemonize() function from your script.
> The process of daemonization is similar to the one on UNIX -- you have
> to spawn a child process twice, the first child is responsible for
> breaking away from any job objects (somewhat similar to becoming a
> session leader on UNIX), becoming a new process group leader and closing
> all handles (file descriptors) that might have been inherited.
> The second child has to open dummy std* files and a new (hidden)
> console, otherwise the signals stop working. There is a slight
> complication with window stations and desktops. Each console creates at
> least one window and some other user objects, so we have to create
> a separate desktop, or other processes would be able to manipulate them
>  and send us arbitrary (Windows) messages.
> Regards,
> Ziga
> import os
> import sys
> import msvcrt
> import win32con
> import win32process
> import win32security
> import win32service
> from twisted.python import win32
> def getPythonArgs():
>     """
>     Return the list of command line args that were used to start
>     the current Python interpreter and were not stored in C{sys.argv}.
>     These are the options that control the Python interpreter itself,
>     like the Python executable, optimization level, warning filters,
>     division behaviour and literal string handling.
>     """
>     args = [sys.executable]
>     for warnoption in sys.warnoptions:
>         args.append("-W")
>         args.append(warnoption)
>     if type(1 / 2) is not int:
>         args.append("-Qnew")
>     if type("") is not str:
>         args.append("-U")
>     if not __debug__:
>         if getPythonArgs.__doc__ is None:
>             args.append("-OO")
>         else:
>             args.append("-O")
>     return args
> def daemonize():
>     args = [os.path.abspath(__file__)] + sys.argv
>     executable = sys.executable
>     cmdline = win32.quoteArguments(getPythonArgs() + args)
>     inherit = False
>     flags = (win32process.CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB | # session leader
>              win32process.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP |  # group leader
>              win32process.DETACHED_PROCESS) # no controlling terminal
>     info = win32process.STARTUPINFO()
>     win32process.CreateProcess(executable, cmdline, None, None,
>                                inherit, flags, None, None, info)
>     # Do what exec* functions do, let the OS do the cleanup.
>     os._exit(0)
> def daemonize2():
>     args = [sys.argv[1], "--nodaemon"] + sys.argv[2:]
>     executable = sys.executable
>     cmdline = win32.quoteArguments(getPythonArgs() + args)
>     inherit = True
>     # create an invisible console
>     flags = (win32process.CREATE_NO_WINDOW
>     attributes = win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES()
>     attributes.bInheritHandle = True
>     station = win32service.CreateWindowStation(None, 0,
>                                                win32con.GENERIC_READ |
>                                                win32con.GENERIC_WRITE,
>                                                attributes)
>     station.SetProcessWindowStation()
>     sname = win32service.GetUserObjectInformation(station,
>                                                   win32service.UOI_NAME)
>     dname = str(os.getpid())
>     desktop = win32service.CreateDesktop(dname, 0,
>                                          win32con.GENERIC_READ |
>                                          win32con.GENERIC_WRITE,
>                                          attributes)
>     desktop.SetThreadDesktop()
>     null = os.open("NUL", os.O_RDWR)
>     handle = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(null)
>     info = win32process.STARTUPINFO()
>     info.lpDesktop = "%s\\%s" % (sname, dname)
>     info.dwFlags = win32process.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES
>     info.hStdInput = info.hStdOutput = info.hStdError = handle
>     win32process.CreateProcess(executable, cmdline, None, None,
>                                inherit, flags, None, None, info)
>     # Same as above, exit as fast as possible.
>     os._exit(0)
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     daemonize2()
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