[Twisted-Python] Twisted protocol as Django data source

Dan charnedn at muohio.edu
Wed May 27 14:39:45 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I have an application written in Twisted which multiplexes data from a  
variety of pieces of specialized hardware, and I'd like to make the  
live stream of this information viewable through a webpage.  
Unfortunately, on our server, port 80 is already taken by an Apache +  
mod_python + Django stack with which we host a number of webpages.

Ideally, I'd like to be able to write a quick Django app in which just  
import my Twisted protocol, connect to my network, and start streaming  
data. However, much googling has lead me to believe that this is  
unlikely to actually work. (Particularly, http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-web/2007-March/003311.html 
, which says that Twisted is simply not mod_python-friendly.)

The options I've thought of include using Twisted's builtin web server  
a nonstandard port, mod_proxy, or writing a Django app which just  
polls a database repeatedly and altering my Twisted app so it  
repeatedly does an UPDATE. All of these solutions feel hacky to me, so  
I'd like to ask you, the list, how you'd go about doing this.


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