[Twisted-Python] Unhandled error in Deferred with twisted-8.2.0, but not with twisted-2.1.0

Rutt, Benjamin Benjamin.Rutt at gs.com
Fri Jun 26 12:33:06 EDT 2009

Am currently trying to upgrade to twisted-8.2.0.  For some reason,
twisted-8.2.0 thinks my deferred below was gc'd with an unhandled error,
and tells me about it upon reactor exit.  With
python-2.4.2/twisted-2.1.0, no issues.  With python-2.6.1/twisted-8.2.0,
I see these issues.  Any ideas why?  Thanks.

$ cat ./deferred-errors.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
import datetime, logging, os, random, re, shutil, socket
import subprocess, sys, tempfile, threading, time, traceback

from twisted.internet       import reactor
from twisted.internet       import defer
from twisted.internet.utils import getProcessOutput
from twisted.python         import log
import twisted

print 'twisted version is', twisted.__version__

def foo():
    d = getProcessOutput('/bin/hostnameX')
    def cb(result):
        print 'cb: %s' % (result)
    def eb(failure):
        print 'eb caught the failure!'

reactor.callLater(3, reactor.stop)

$ /sw/external/python-2.4.2/bin/python ./deferred-errors.py 
twisted version is 2.1.0
eb caught the failure!

$ /sw/external/python-2.6.1/bin/python ./deferred-errors.py 
twisted version is 8.2.0
eb caught the failure!
Unhandled error in Deferred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
Failure: twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated: A process has ended
with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.

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