[Twisted-Python] A Python metaclass for Twisted allowing __init__ to return a Deferred

Terry Jones terry at jon.es
Tue Nov 4 12:41:50 EST 2008

Hi again Glyph

>>>>> "glyph" == glyph  <glyph at divmod.com> writes:

glyph> You may want to create some _other_ configuration object, loaded
glyph> from the remote database, in the middle of startService.  You may
glyph> even want to have a multi-phase internal startup procedure to
glyph> generate that object.  But you need to keep track of what state
glyph> those things are in so that the infrastructure can come around and
glyph> say stopService to you in the middle of that procedure and still get
glyph> a clean, ordered shutdown.  If the infrastructure were to get back a
glyph> Deferred, there's nothing to call stopService on.

Sorry to post so much on this - I do hope it's useful to other people.

Here's what I think you were saying, but in my own words:

I could do more complex work in startService, including dealing with
Deferreds. So to give a simple (non-working) example based on your earlier
classmethod suggestion, here's some sample code:

    from myservice import myhandler

    class MyService(internet.TCPServer):
        def __init__(self, port, dbURI):
            self.port = port
            self.dbURI = dbURI

        def startService(self):
            self.handler = yield myhandler.Handler.fromDbURI(self.dbURI)
            internet.TCPServer.__init__(self, self.port, self.handler.getFactory())
            yield self.handler.startDB()
            yield self.handler.createTables()
            # Perhaps do other init things...

        def stopService(self):
            return internet.TCPServer.stopService(self)

As you suggested, myhandler.Handler.fromDbURI is a classmethod that gets a
Deferred and adds a callback to it that will return an instance of
myhandler.Handler. Then I do a couple of other Deferred-producing
operations and finally start a TCP server.

The problem with this is that the caller of startService gets a Deferred
back immediately after myhandler.Handler.fromDbURI returns its Deferred.
As far as I can see, no-one looks at the return result of startService. So
the calling code may proceed willy nilly on the assumption that the service
has started, when in fact it hasn't. I.e., when startService returns its
Deferred, the myhandler.Handler.fromDbURI likely wont have completed, and
the subsequent calls (startDB, createTables) wont have even started.

You went on to say:

glyph> You may even want to have a multi-phase internal startup procedure
glyph> to generate that object.  But you need to keep track of what state
glyph> those things are in so that the infrastructure can come around and
glyph> say stopService to you in the middle of that procedure and still get
glyph> a clean, ordered shutdown.

Which I guess you'd just repeat again now?

IOW, if my startService is going to do various operations with Deferreds,
then as those things happen I should be (for example) updating
handler.state to indicate whether the handler is actually ready. And if a
stopService call comes along, I have the handler object and can examine its
state to shut things down properly, depending on where I am in setting
things up.  To close a further hole, I'd put an attribute onto the
MyService instance to indicate when the yield that will result in
self.handler being assigned is still awaiting the generator send in

Unfortunately this seems to imply that I also then need to put checks into
handler methods to make sure it's actually ready before trying anything. I
suppose I'd just log and ignore those early calls, maybe checking that they
actually were early. And/or add a timer. What an involved mess!

Is all this a reasonable summary of what you were imagining / describing?

Thanks again, and apologies for so many mails.


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