[Twisted-Python] writing back through open connections

Drew Smathers drew.smathers at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 22:29:39 MST 2008

On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 11:42 PM, David Welch <dwelch at umail.ucsb.edu> wrote:
> Matt,
>  I read that howto/servers documentation and I have set up my code into
>  a Factory and Protocol that handles incoming connections.

Honestly, I don't think we're dealing with a design pattern issue now.

> I don't
>  think I explained myself well enough though. When a client connects,
>  the server may or may not being send data back right away so I need to
>  be able to send data to that connected client on the servers terms.
>  For example:
>  Client 1 connects -- Factory instantiates Protocol class to handle
>  communication (connection doesn't close)
>  Client 2 connects -- Factory instantiates Protocol class to handle
>  communication (connection doesn't close)
>  <time has passed until server decides it needs to send a plugin to one
>  of the clients>
>  Server sends plugin to Client 1
>  So how can that server send data to client 1 if client 1 hasn't caused
>  an event (The server side causes a certain event it should send data
>  to a selected client).

Define `event'.  Is the initial connection not an event?  If you have
an open connection, the client doesn't have fart back through it every
5 seconds (by the semantics of most protocols) to keep it open or

>  I understand that if a client sends data to the
>  server I can than write back to the client using the dataReceived
>  function within the Protocol instantiation.

Are you sure you understand?  You're calling dataReceive to send data?
 If you're calling a method (that's what you meant by "function within
the Protocol instantiation", I guess) with "receive" in the name, then
you can only be very confused.

> In this case once N number
>  of agents have connected I want the server to push data to the clients
>  without the Client writing to the server. Thanks again for the help.

So write back data to the client.  That's all I can say until you
describe what you've tried (w/ code) and why it failed (w/ a
stacktrace) - vs. in pretty vague terms on essay on what you want to
do and haven't even attempted.

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