[Twisted-Python] Twisted and MVC

Christian Scharkus mail.sensenmann at googlemail.com
Sun Dec 14 22:38:32 MST 2008

Hi folks.

I want to build a MVC with the Model based on twisted with a custom
protocol. At the moment all my attemps terrible failed. So far the client
build a valid ssl-connection to the server and send the lines he is supposed
to send but don't recognise any incomming lines from the server. So I
decided to build the model from scratch again. The controller inits the
model-class (implementation of the custom chat-protocol) to be able to call
methods of the instance and send messages to the server. So how do I connect
the model to he server? In former implementations I were using the
Clientfactory but this didn't work very well.

Thanks for your help
Christian Scharkus
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