[Twisted-Python] client side cert?

Eli Criffield elicriffield at gmail.com
Wed May 2 08:24:32 MDT 2007

Thats a huge help. I'll see how far i can get with this. I'll write a
short doc how to do client side cert verification once i get it
working. And some docstrings if i can figure them out.

Eli Criffield

On 5/2/07, glyph at divmod.com <glyph at divmod.com> wrote:
> On 04:30 am, elicriffield at gmail.com wrote:
> >I try to make the x590 object to feed to CertificateOptions from
> >t.i.s.Certifcate.loadPEM() but it doesn't like it. I see nowhere in
> >t.i.ssl to make a PKey object that t.i.s.CertificationOptions() wants.
> >I've tried t.i.s.ContextFactory() but there is no options for
> >requiring a client side cert.
> >t.i.s.ClientContextFactory doesn't seem to have any options to tell it
> >what cert to use on the client side either, or how to verify the
> >server cert, I guess thats what t.i.s.CertificationOptions() is for
> >but it doesn't seem to work as documented.
> The "right" way to do this (and by "right" I mean the way I intended and
> used when I originally wrote this code, but never documented in any way) is
> by using the "PrivateCertificate" object, which represents a paired
> public/private key, and its (poorly named, and by the way did I mention it's
> undocumented) "options" method, which creates the CertificateOptions object
> for you.
> I can see from your example that you're already expecting the key and
> certificate to be in the same PEM file (like everyone does) so it could be
> as easy as this:
>     from twisted.internet.ssl import PrivateCertificate
>     pc = PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(file('test.cert', r').read())
>     ctxFactory = pc.options()
> although if you want to verify client certificates, options() also takes, as
> varargs, a tuple of certificate authorities.  However, a private certificate
> can also fill the role of a public certificate, so you can do:
>     ctxFactory = pc.options(pc)
> to use a self-signed certificate as its own authority.
> This context factory can be used either for client or server connections, as
> shown below.
> If you are doing anything interesting with SSL, you might want to have a
> look at the source in the file twisted/internet/_sslverify.py, especially
> the other (undocumented) methods of PrivateCertificate, which implements a
> bit of CA functionality.
> >Is there some great documentation out there about how to do this with
> >twisted.internet.ssl that I'm missing?
> Nope.  The documentation here is particularly thin, and to make matters
> work, there are certain operations that are unsupported due to bugs or
> non-wrapped functions in pyopenssl.
> Please feel free to file a more specific documentation bug (and feel
> _double_ free to attach a patch) to add docstrings to _sslverify, and
> probably a separate bug to add an introductory document.
> I'm a big fan of complete runnable examples, so here's something to get you
> started.  Hope that this helps:
> --- cut here ---
> from sys import stdout, argv
> from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
> from twisted.python.log import startLogging
> from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory, ClientFactory
> from twisted.internet import reactor
> from twisted.internet.ssl import PrivateCertificate
> class MyProto(Protocol):
>     def connectionMade(self):
>         self.transport.write(self.factory.stuff)
>     def dataReceived(self, data):
>         stdout.write('Received %r\n' % (data,))
> theCert = PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(file('server.pem','r').read())
> theOptions = theCert.options(theCert)
> def server():
>     f = Factory()
>     f.stuff = 'hello, client'
>     f.protocol = MyProto
>     reactor.listenSSL(7080, f, theOptions)
> def client():
>     f = ClientFactory()
>     f.stuff = 'hello, server'
>     f.protocol = MyProto
>     reactor.connectSSL('localhost', 7080, f, theOptions)
> def main():
>     startLogging(stdout)
>     if argv[1] == 'server':
>         server()
>     else:
>         client()
>     reactor.run()
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     main()
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