[Twisted-Python] SSL Cert Verification howto

Eli Criffield elicriffield at gmail.com
Fri May 11 16:36:07 EDT 2007

I was going to post to the twisted wiki, but apparently there isn't one?

 So here is how I made a twisted based xmlrpc client and server that do
all verification via SSL Certs.

 The model works like this, the RPC Server accepts all requests from
 anyone who connects with a cert signed by the CA it trusts.  The client
 verifies the server is valid because the server's cert is signed by the
 CA the client trusts.

 Some kind of key verification is the way to go if servers need to
 authenticate other servers.  Any password would have to be stored in a
 file somewhere.

 Once you have an authenticated server-to-server rpc connection there's
 no need to only show some functions to some servers and some to
 others.  You're in charge of both server and client, so you're trusted as
 a local superuser at that point.

 A base authentication model like this would work great for a
 centralized network management protocol, very much like how Puppet
 works, or a "Super Cron" that might do things like check workload and
 send scheduled jobs to places that can handle it.  You could work in a
 different request handler to http put files and use it to distribute
 files or even distribute files then execute a job to process them --
any kind of server-to-server automation, really.

 Here's how you set it up...

 Openssl packages have a script called CA.sh that's for demonstrating
 how to manage a CA. You will be the CA, anything you bless with your
 signature might as well have the root password.

 You'll want to customize the CA.sh script and the openssl.conf for
 your setup, but it will work something like this:

 # Make a new CA, it makes a private key and a public key then signs
 # the public key with its own private key (a signed public key is a
 # cert)
 CA.sh -newca

 # This makes a private key and a public key, the public key is what
 # you need to sign to make a cert
 CA.sh -newreq

 # This makes signs the public key you just created
 CA.sh -sign

 # Combine the private key and the signed public key (The Cert) and you
 # have the pem file needed for your program
 cat newkey.pem newcert.pem > server.pem
 # Don't need these anymore
 rm newcert.pem  newkey.pem  newreq.pem

 # same for the client key
 CA.sh -newreq
 CA.sh -sign
 cat newkey.pem newcert.pem > client.pem
 rm newcert.pem  newkey.pem  newreq.pem

 # the cacert.pem is what we use to check if the person connecting is
 # friend or foe
 cp demoCA/cacert.pem .

 --- the code ---

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import sys
 from twisted.web import xmlrpc, server
 from twisted.internet import reactor, ssl
 from twisted.python import log

 def makeSSLContext(myKey,trustedCA):
     '''Returns an ssl Context Object
    @param myKey a pem formated key and certifcate with for my current host
           the other end of this connection must have the cert from the CA
           that signed this key
    @param trustedCA a pem formated certificat from a CA you trust
           you will only allow connections from clients signed by this CA
           and you will only allow connections to a server signed by this CA

     # our goal in here is to make a SSLContext object to pass to connectSSL
     # or listenSSL

     # Why these functioins... Not sure...
     fd = open(myKey,'r')
     theCert = ssl.PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(fd.read())
     fd = open(trustedCA,'r')
     theCA = ssl.Certificate.loadPEM(fd.read())
     ctx = theCert.options(theCA)

     # Now the options you can set look like Standard OpenSSL Library options

     # The SSL protocol to use, one of SSLv23_METHOD, SSLv2_METHOD,
     # SSLv3_METHOD, TLSv1_METHOD. Defaults to TLSv1_METHOD.
     ctx.method = ssl.SSL.TLSv1_METHOD

     # If True, verify certificates received from the peer and fail
     # the handshake if verification fails. Otherwise, allow anonymous
     # sessions and sessions with certificates which fail validation.
     ctx.verify = True

     # Depth in certificate chain down to which to verify.
     ctx.verifyDepth = 1

     # If True, do not allow anonymous sessions.
     ctx.requireCertification = True

     # If True, do not re-verify the certificate on session resumption.
     ctx.verifyOnce = True

     # If True, generate a new key whenever ephemeral DH parameters are used
     # to prevent small subgroup attacks.
     ctx.enableSingleUseKeys = True

     # If True, set a session ID on each context. This allows a shortened
     # handshake to be used when a known client reconnects.
     ctx.enableSessions = True

     # If True, enable various non-spec protocol fixes for broken
     # SSL implementations.
     ctx.fixBrokenPeers = False

     return ctx

 class Example(xmlrpc.XMLRPC):
     """An example object to be published.
        see: http://twistedmatrix.com/projects/web/documentation/howto/xmlrpc.html

     def xmlrpc_echo(self, x):
         """Return all passed args."""
         log.msg('xmlrpc call echo, %s'%x)
         return x

 class Proxy(xmlrpc.Proxy):
     ''' See: http://twistedmatrix.com/projects/web/documentation/howto/xmlrpc.html
         this is eacly like the xmlrpc.Proxy included in twisted but you can
         give it a SSLContext object insted of just accepting the defaults..
     def setSSLClientContext(self,SSLClientContext):
         self.SSLClientContext = SSLClientContext
     def callRemote(self, method, *args):
         factory = xmlrpc._QueryFactory(
             self.path, self.host, method, self.user,
             self.password, self.allowNone, args)
         if self.secure:
             from twisted.internet import ssl
             except NameError:
                 print "Must Set a SSL Context"
                 print "use self.setSSLClientContext() first"
                 # Its very bad to connect to ssl without some kind of
                 # verfication of who your talking to
                 # Using the default sslcontext without verification
                 # Can lead to man in the middle attacks
             reactor.connectSSL(self.host, self.port or 443,
             reactor.connectTCP(self.host, self.port or 80, factory)
         return factory.deferred

 def printValue(value):
     print repr(value)

 def printError(error):
     print 'error', error

 if __name__ == '__main__':
     # this should look pretty much like the examples given in the twisted
     # documents

     print "running as", sys.argv[1]
     if sys.argv[1] == 'server':
         ctx = makeSSLContext(myKey='server.pem',trustedCA='cacert.pem')
         r = Example()
         reactor.listenSSL(7080, server.Site(r),ctx)
     elif sys.argv[1] == 'client':
         ctx = makeSSLContext(myKey='client.pem', trustedCA='cacert.pem')
         proxy = Proxy('https://localhost:7080/')
                 'hello world').addCallbacks(printValue, printError)

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