[Twisted-Python] waitForDeferred Question

Cory Dodt corydodt at twistedmatrix.com
Sat Mar 11 01:57:36 EST 2006

Brian Granger wrote:
> But, in many cases, the computeSomethingUsingTwisted() doesn't take
> long at all.  An example of this would be probing the status of the
> remote server or a trivial computation that a server has relevant data
> for.  In these cases, the result is available nearly instantly (faster
> then the user could detect, like 1 ms) and it is silly to have a job
> interface.  You simply want the result directly.

Another approach: wait 10ms every time you push out a prompt.  The
problem is you're trying to generate the prompt in a synchronous manner
in an asynchronous environment.  10ms is well below the threshhold that
users will notice.  You'll still want job control for long calculations,
but you can present it in a more natural way.. if it's not available at
the first prompt, it's a background job.


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