[Twisted-Python] Re: [Twisted-commits] r14614 - Describe log.debug, and 'printed' and 'debug' log dict items.

Scott Lamb slamb at slamb.org
Tue Oct 4 11:00:58 MDT 2005

On Oct 4, 2005, at 12:20 AM, Nicola Larosa wrote:
> Also, a few words to the effect of *why* it should be deprecated  
> would be
> useful. We use it quite a lot, and I'd appreciate a few comments.

Me, too, me too.

In my day job, I develop a lot of Java code. We have the luxury of  
granular logging. I can switch, on a per-class basis, the output  
level to trace, debug, warn, error, or fatal. That's handy.

In Twisted, I see log.msg(), log.debug(), and log.err(). Why is one  
of these levels going away? Is it just not normal to use logging for  
debugging? What do you do instead?

Scott Lamb <http://www.slamb.org/>

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