[Twisted-Python] IOCP Reactor (Was: win32 buildbot)

Andrew Bennetts andrew-twisted at puzzling.org
Sun Mar 14 18:09:47 EST 2004

On Sun, Mar 14, 2004 at 07:36:10PM +0000, Paul Moore wrote:
> 4. If no-one else wants to pick it up, where would I find pointers on
>    writing a reactor? Assuming there isn't a useful "what is a reactor
>    supposed to do" document (I couldn't find one) what code would be a
>    good starting point? [Note: If this is what ends up happening,
>    expect completion in something like 2038, given my copious
>    quantities of free time, and the likelihood of me managing to stick
>    with a substantial programming project :-(]

The best documentation for a reactor I'm aware of is
twisted.internet.interfaces.  I'd probably use the default select reactor as
a starting point, or in this case maybe the win32reactor.


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