[Twisted-Python] [Tutor] Help on personnal Proxy

POYEN OP Olivier (DCL) Olivier.POYEN at clf-dexia.com
Mon May 26 10:55:54 MDT 2003

Hi all, 

I tried to read some parts of the how-to, tried to google around in order to create a simple personnal web proxy with no luck. 

For now, I don't want to do anything special, but having a proxy on my localhost, watching for my connections. Later, I may want to enhance its functionnality (a la "proxomitron")

I thought that twisted may certainly be the perfect tool to do that, and I thought this would be a good way to start using it. 

I know about the proxy class, but, when I try to use it:

(taken from Proxy class docstring):

from twisted.protocols import http
from twisted.web import proxy
from twisted.internet import reactor


I then try an 'export http_proxy=http://localhost:8765' and 
wget http://localhost:8080 (where a nice twisted.web server is waiting)

Not working. 
Even a telnet on port 8765 shown that nothing is responding.

I then thougt about proxy.Proxy which perhaps need to be instanciated:


Same punition.

Then, I thougth that I certainly need to subclass my proxy to have it do some stuff: 

class myProx(proxy.Proxy):
    def connectionMade(self,*args):
        print "cool...."

    def dataReceived(self,*args):
        print args

I then again try with myProx *and*รน myProx().
Nothing worked.

Well, I search for anything on the mailing list archive, but with no luck.

Do I have to say that any help or RTFM would be appreciated ! 

Thanx in advance,

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