[Twisted-Python] Large Transfers

Gerhard Häring lists at ghaering.de
Sat May 10 13:58:23 MDT 2003

Uwe C. Schroeder wrote:
> [...] If I run a webserver inside a firewalled LAN

So you're running the webserver with a local IP address that isn't 
accessible via the LAN.

> and block all ports on the firewall, 

This is redundant if you don't offer the services to the outside, 
anyway. Redundancy is generally a good thing, but the services should be 
properly configured in the first place.

> [...] I'm btw not talking about packet-filters, often sold as firewall.

A firewall is a security concept, not a single piece of software. Packet 
filters might be part of that security concept.

Your name sounds German, if you can read German, these resources are 

de.comp.security.firewall FAQ:

A nice summary about personal firewalls (in English): 

**Personal Firewall Security FAQ**
*Executive Summary*
Q: Do Personal Firewalls improve security?

A: No.

Q: Why do so many people install them, then?

A: Because those people are all idiots.


-- Gerhard

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