[Twisted-Python] with a subject this time - Woven LivePage beginners trouble

Tim Andrews tim.andrews at adpro.com.au
Wed Jul 16 20:44:10 EDT 2003

Hi twisted,

I've just started playing with twisted and am keen to get something
happening with  LivePage. I can serve pages quite happily from an .rpy and
have tried to follow the examples from the manual to get event handlers and
LivePage happening.  When my page is generated "MyController.handle" gets
called, but "MyController.setUp" never gets called.  If I add an "__init__"
method it gets called, but when I try to call "self.view.addEventHandler" it
complains that self.view is a NoneType.

I have also tried subclassing input.Anything, but suffer from a similar
problem in that my "initialize" method never gets called or if I call
"input.Anything.__init__" then I still have a problem with

FYI I'm running twisted 1.06 on Python 2.2 on a Windows 2000 box

My code for your perusal ...

from twisted.web.woven import page, controller

model = {
    'name': 'fred',
    'stuff': ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']

template = """
  <h3 model="name" view="Text"  controller = "foo"/>
  <div model="stuff" view="List">
  <li pattern="listItem" view="Text"/>
  <span view="webConduitGlue" />

class MyController(controller.Controller):

#  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
#    controller.Controller.__init__(self, args, kwargs)
#    self.view.addEventHandler("onmouseover", self.mouse) # self.view =
NoneType :(

  def setUp(self, request, *args):
    print "setUp" # this never happens :(

  def handle(self, request):
    print 'handle' # this happens :)

  def mouse(self, request, widget):
    print 'Mouse Over!!!'

class MyPage(page.LivePage):

  def wcfactory_foo(self, request, node, model):
    print 'foo factory' # this happens :)
    return MyController(model)

resource = MyPage(model, template=template)



PS sorry about the finger trouble
Tim Andrews
Principal Hardware Engineer

Vision Fire and Security
14 Park Way, Technology Park
Mawson Lakes, S.A. 5095

ph: +61-8-84621201
fax: +61-8-84621001
email: Tim.Andrews at adpro.com.au
web site: www.adpro.com.au

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