[Twisted-Python] Large project (IMS) architecture

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph at twistedmatrix.com
Fri Jan 17 04:01:09 EST 2003

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003 18:03:11 -0600, "Patrick K. O'Brien" <pobrien at orbtech.com> wrote:
> I just updated from CVS and read doc/howto/pb-copyable.html. Wow! That is 
> very cool stuff. I'm convinced that Twisted is the way to go.

Okay, since this has been gnawing on my conscience every time somebody
mentioned PB in the last month, let me try to at least state this publicly once
for the record :-)

There is still one protocol-breaking change that I think we will be making to
PB.  The details are still a little hazy, but I am pretty sure that we can get
an order of magnitude performance increase (with no appreciable increase in
memory usage) by memoizing every object created from a Banana'd list rather
than creating explicit (reference 1 (foo ...)) expressions.

I find it hard to summarize what I mean by this, but for those of you familiar
with Jelly's implementation details, here's an attempt.

Currently, whenever an object is serialized, if it points to itself, it must be
"memo-ized" in order to give it a unique ID for the future.  This is best shown
with an example:

    >>> from twisted.spread.jelly import jelly
    >>> l = ['hello']
    >>> l.append(l)
    >>> jelly(l)
    ['reference', 1, ['list', 'hello', ['dereference', 1]]]

I believe that the technique we have been using to identify objects that
participate in circular references is slow and unnecessary.  Each object
corresponds to a Jelly expression (Python list) whose start has some position
in the banana stream relative to every other list start.  So in this example,
the resulting list could be:

    ['list', 'hello', ['dereference', 1]]

and the decoder could still quite easily recognize what the ['dereference', 1]
was pointing to because the list is the first in the stream.  For a more
complex example, this is what currently happens.

    >>> from twisted.spread.jelly import jelly
    >>> m = ['one']
    >>> m.append(m)
    >>> n = ['two']
    >>> n.append(n)
    >>> l = [n, m]
    >>> l = [m, n]
    >>> jelly(l)
    ['list', ['reference', 1, ['list', 'one', ['dereference', 1]]],
    ['reference', 2, ['list', 'two', ['dereference', 2]]]]

I'd prefer that produce this instead:

    ['list', ['list', 'one', ['dereference', 2]], ['list', 'two', ['dereference', 4]]]

To see why the numbers "2" and "4" make sense, count left brackets :).

This is technically a change to Jelly, not to PB, but it has ramifications on
the wire protocol.  In the process of doing this, I plan to add a
version-negotiation step to PB, similar to what currently exists for Jelly, so
that any potential future changes of this variety do not cause similar

What this MAY break:

  * Version Compatibility.
  If you have a running PB server, older versions of PB clients will no longer
  be able to connect.  This may be correctable but is probably not worth the
  effort, given the dearth of deployed PB services, and the fact that the
  primary incompatibility will be improved version negotiation so that this
  won't happen again :).
  * Things that use jellyFor directly
  The internal Jellier APIs may change in subtly incompatible ways.  Basic
  usage of jellyFor will probably still continue to work.
  * Alternate language implementations of PB
  These will need to be updated.  Emacs-PB looks to be in a non-working state
  already :-\ though I've already talked to Itamar about making similar changes
  to Java-PB, and they shouldn't be too hard.  It already reflects the Python

  * Applications using Jelly directly

  If you are using Jelly to store data in files or something like that, this
  will cause your new versions to be incompatible.  If there are really people
  doing this then perhaps we need version information for these files as well.
What this WILL NOT break:

  * Applications using PB at the high level
  If you have an app that just has objects which are Referenceable, Cacheable
  and so on, the existing semantics will continue to work, and if you upgrade
  Twisted on both server and client, both will continue to work with each other
  as they did before.

  * Applications using Banana directly

  This will have no impact on the Banana APIs or protocol and those look stable
  for the forseeable future.

Please keep in mind that nobody is working on this yet :-).  It may be that it
will not break any of the things above, but it will certainly not break the
last two.

There are other infrastructural changes to PB that I'd like to see (for
example, making the internal dictionaries use weakrefs rather than __del__) but
those should be completely transparent to end-users.

I believe this will also make the unified banana+jelly streaming optimization
(that Bruce has mentioned on IRC a few times) possible, but I'll have to leave
that to him when I've actually got some code/specs to describe this more

 |    <`'>    |  Glyph Lefkowitz: Travelling Sorcerer  |
 |   < _/ >   |  Lead Developer,  the Twisted project  |
 |  < ___/ >  |      http://www.twistedmatrix.com      |
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