[Twisted-Python] Re: In Defense of Taps

Tracy S. Ruggles trace at reinventnow.com
Thu Feb 13 14:45:03 EST 2003

On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 09:43 AM, Moshe Zadka wrote:

> I encourage the "newbies" on the list to speak up: what are *you* 
> planning
> to do with Twisted, and which documents would help you with that.

Well, I'm not a newbie to Python, but am to Twisted.  I have been a 
long-time user of Webware & Cheetah to serve a web-based dialogue 
marketing system (right now, they're basically souped-up, rule-based 
quizzes and surveys, see http://www.axiomfire.com).

Webware has been great to use so far but I was curious about Twisted.  
Almost all of the framework I built to build and render these dialogues 
has no tie-ins to Webware specifically.

Eventually we plan to build a much more dynamic dialogue engine that 
has the possibility of carrying on dialogues in different ways and I 
don't want to be tied to just http.  Also, enabling a real-time window 
into the dialogue activity so as to make adjustments to rule and 
contents in response to traffic changes and campaign response rates.

So, as far as Twisted documentation goes, I need to find a very simple 
way to serve up these dialogues with an already built system of 
"business objects".

My guess is (and I haven't had a whole lot of time to play around with 
twisted yet): a simple way would be to write small .rpy scripts/pages 
that just wrap the same functionality I wrapped with the Webware 
servlets.  Though, I already have a middle layer between the dialogue 
engine and the database (a variation of SQLORB.py) and I'm worried 
about synchronous/asynchronous problems.   I assume that some of that 
code would have to be altered to fit into the Twisted way.

I should get some time next week to dive into some real examples and 
will let you know how it goes...


Tracy S. Ruggles
Chief Technology Officer, Axiomfire
tracer at axiomfire.com -- 512/461.6199

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